Kharkwal, SheelaGAHLOT, DISHA2024-02-052024-02-052022 of Production and Marketing of Milk in Jaipur District of Rajasthan Disha Gahlot Dr. Sheela Kharkwal** (Research Scholar) (Major Advisor) ABSTRACT The present investigation has been undertaken in Jaipur district of Rajasthan with a view to identify the prevalent dairy marketing channels of milk in Jaipur district, factors affecting the farmer‘s choice of specific dairy outlet, economics of production and marketing of milk and constraints faced by farmers in production and marketing of milk. Total 80 milk producing farmers were selected through multistage purposive sampling method, from two rural and two peri-urban villages of Jaipur district for the detailed study. Primary data for agricultural year 2021-22 and secondary data on animal population, livestock holding, milk production and per capita availability of milk in Jaipur district were collected and submitted to various techniques and tools for drawing the results and relevant conclusions. The prevalent milk marketing channels in the study region were: channel-I (Producer – Consumer), channel II (Producer - Milk vendor Consumer) and channel- III (Producer – Collection centre – Co-operative milk plant – Consumer). Among these marketing channels, Channel-III was the most preferred channel of milk marketing, as it was opted by 47.50 per cent of the total farmers followed by Channel-I ( 28.75 %) and Channel-II (23.75 %). A multinomial logit (MNL) model was used to identify the factors affecting farmer‘s decision of choosing a particular milk-marketing outlet. Herd size, marketable surplus, caste categories, access to institutional credit, BPL economic class, income from livestock and breed type of animals were few significant factors observed in making a choice amongst the three milk marketing channel decisions. The total maintenance cost of local cow, crossbred and buffalo was ₹ 225.64, 364.52 and 379.81/day/animal, respectively and the gross returns per animal were estimated at ₹ 256.64, 467.07 and 566.19 per day per animal for local cow, crossbred and buffalo, respectively. The corresponding proceeds per rupee from local cow, crossbred and buffalo were 1.13, 1.28 and 1.49. The overall total maintenance cost of per SAUs (Standard Animal Units) of milch animal was estimated to be ₹ 264.69 /SAUs/ hh, while the gross returns were estimated to be ₹ 389.61 /SAUs/ hh. The overall proceeds per rupee from SAUs were calculated at 1.47. On the other hand, total marketing cost was estimated at ₹ 8.89/lit. in channel III followed by channel II (₹ 5.95/lit.) and channel I (₹ 4.01/lit.). The marketing margin was calculated as ₹ 3.18/ lit. in channel II and ₹ 4.97/lit. in channel III. The market efficiency of channel-I was highest at 11.48 per cent, followed by channel-II (5.30%) and channel-III (3.77%). The farmer‘s share in the consumer rupee was estimated at 91.29 percent in channel-I, 79.93 percent in channel-II and 73.60 per cent in channel –III. Among different constraints, untimely availability of quality feed and fodder was the most serious technical constraint, high cost of feed and fodder was the major financial problem faced by dairy farmer Inadequate market intelligence was the marketing problem while lack of knowledge about well designed dairy shed was the in management constraints faced by the sample respondents. The study submits that there is need to train dairy owners about scientific management practices in rearing of milch animals for better health, disease control, and performance. Feed quality testing laboratories must be setup to ensure the quality of feed, to enhance animal‘s productivity. Farmers should be made aware about quality parameters like fat percentage in the milk, or even provided with affordable fat testing kits through Pashu Vigyan Kendras/ KVKs, so that farmers can test milk at their level and be assured about the prices they receive in the collection centres. Institutional sources should provide easy and cheaper loans to farmers for purchasing animals up to certain limit without any collateral.EnglishEconomics of Production and Marketing of Milk in Jaipur District of RajasthanThesis