Dr. B. B. KunjadiaBAVALIYA ANKITABEN HAMIRBHAI2021-06-042021-06-042019-08https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810169548A field experiment entitled “Effect of phosphorus and phosphorus solubilizing bacteria (PSB) on yield and nutrient uptake by wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)” was conducted at Instructional Farm, Department of Agronomy, College of Agriculture, Junagadh Agricultural University, Junagadh on clayey texture soils during rabi season of 2017-18 having low available N and medium of available P, K and S and alkaline in reaction (pH 7.98). The experiment comprised of 16 treatment combination having 4 levels of P (0, 30, 45 and 60 kg P2O5 ha-1 ) and 4 level of PSB (0, 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5 L PSB ha-1 ) carried out in factorial randomized block design replication at thrice. The experimental results revealed that application of 60 kg P2O5 ha-1 promoted growth parameters viz., plant height at 30 DAS (32.69 cm), 60 DAS (75.93 cm), 90 DAS (88.13 cm) and at harvest (89.75 cm), number of total tillers meter-1 row length (82.93), number of effective tillers meter-1 row length (60.00), spikelets per spike (15.39), length of spike (8.93 cm) at harvest of wheat. Dry matter at 30 DAS (3.38 g plant-1 ), 60 DAS (9.96 g plant-1 ), 90 DAS (19.03 g plant-1 ) and at harvest (28.62 g plant-1 ), and crop growth rate (CGR) at 30 DAS- 60 DAS (0.220 g plant-1 day-1 ) and 60 DAS-90 DAS (0.302 g plant-1 day-1 ) except 90 DAS - harvest (0.268 g plant-1 day-1 ) it was at found in P2 (45 kg P2O5 ha-1 ) . Similarly significantly higher grain yield (4519 kg ha-1 ) and straw yield (5340 kg ha-1 ) as well as, quality parameters viz., test weight (57.99 g) and protein yield (553.30 kg ha-1 ) were registered at 60 kg P2O5 ha-1 . Chemical parameters viz. plant analysis included grain P content (0.302%) and straw P content at 30 DAS (0.255%), 60 DAS (0.181%), 90 DAS (0.161%) and at harvest (0.143%). Uptake of N by grain (88.59 kg ha-1 ) and straw (31.83 kg ha-1 ), uptake of K by grain (31.97 kg ha-1 ) and straw (62.78 kg ha-1 ) and P of uptake by grain (13.80 kg ha-1 ) while in straw P uptake at 30 DAS (8.62 mg plant-1 ), 60 DAS (18.23 mg plant-1 ), 90 DAS (30.94 mg plant-1 ) and at harvest (41,47 mg plant-1 ). Soil analysis included soil available P at initial (41.20 kg ha-1 ) and 30 DAS (41.07 kg ha-1 ), 60 DAS (38.05 kg ha-1 ), 90 DAS (34.49 kg ha-1 ) and at harvest (29.56 kg ha-1 ). The experimental results show at that the application of PSB 1 L ha-1 promoted growth parameters viz., plant height at 30 DAS (31.47 cm), 60 DAS (74.81 cm), 90 DAS (88.06 cm) and at harvest (89.82 cm), number of total tiller meter-1 row length (79.25), number of effective tiller meter-1 row length (58.91), spikelet per spike (14.59), length of spike (8.29 cm) at harvest of wheat. Dry matter at 30 DAS (2.78 g plant-1 ), 60 DAS (9.38 g plant-1 ), 90 DAS (17.58 g plant-1 ) and at harvest (27.02 g plant-1 ), and crop growth rate (CGR) by P3 (60 kg P2O5 ha-1 ) 30 DAS- 60 DAS (0.219 g plant-1 day-1 ), 60 DAS-90 DAS (0.274 g plant-1 day-1 ) and 90 DAS - harvest (0.236 g plant-1 day-1 ). Higher grain yield (4540 kg ha-1 ) and straw yield (5248 kg ha 1 ) over the control, also enhanced quality parameters viz., test weight (58.18 g) and protein yield (561.26 kg ha-1 ) with application of PSB at 1 L ha-1 . Chemical parameters viz. (i) plant analysis included grain P content (0.292%) and straw P content at 30 DAS (0.257%), 60 DAS (0.191%), 90 DAS (0.160%) and at harvest (0.157%). Uptake of N by grain (89.80 kg ha-1 ) and straw (30.85 kg ha-1 ), uptake of K by grain (32.00 kg ha-1 ) and straw (61.49 kg ha-1 ) and uptake of P by grain (13.40 kg ha-1 ) while in straw P uptake at 30 DAS (7.59 mg plant-1 ), 60 DAS (18.18 mg plant-1 ), 90 DAS (28.60 mg plant-1 ) and at harvest (43.03 mg plant-1 ). (ii) Soil analysis included soil available P at 30 DAS (41.22 kg ha-1 ), 60 DAS (37.82 kg ha-1 ), 90 DAS (33.83 kg ha-1 ) and at harvest (28.97 kg ha -1 ) and microbial parameters of soil viz., PSB periodical count(1× 106 cfu g-1 soil) at 30 DAS (2.37), 60 DAS (3.60), 90 DAS (6.05) and at harvest (7.63) expect of application of 1.5 L PSB ha-1 . The combined effect of phosphorus and PSB found significant in respect of grain yield, no. of effective tiller meter-1 row length, P content in straw at 30 DAS and 60 DAS and P uptake by grain and 30 DAS, 60 DAS, 90 DAS and at harvest in straw with phosphorus P3 (60 kg P2O5 ha-1 ) and PSB2 (1 L PSB ha-1 ). Over all, the application of phosphorus at 60 kg ha-1 along with PSB at 1 L ha 1 plays a crucial role in improving yield and quality of wheat and maintain the phosphorus statusEnglishEFFECT OF PHOSPHORUS AND PHOSPHORUS SOLUBILIZING BACTERIA (PSB) ON YIELD AND NUTRIENT UPTAKE BY WHEAT (Triticum aestivum L.) 2941Thesis