Dr. V. P. RamaniMEHTA PUNIT VISHNUPRASAD2017-06-172017-06-172009http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810021151Zinc deficiency is the most widely recognized deficiency in India. Micronutrients are applied in the form of soil application, foliar spray and pre sowing seed treatment. Further, there are also reports of wide spread micronutrient deficiency in different soils of Gujarat due to intensive cropping systems and use of micronutrient free fertilizers. The lack of Zn can limit the growth and productivity of a wide range of crops. It is therefore, necessary to supplement Zn for higher crop yields. Application of micronutrients through seed treatment nourishes crops at the critical early stages and helps in improving crop growth and is cheaper than foliar/ soil application. Importance of fungicidal and insecticidal seed treatments is also well known. Further, bio-fertilizer or microorganism strain inoculation helps the plant in supplying necessary nutrients like N and P. All these seed treatments have their individual application methods and positive impact on higher and quality produce. Therefore, there is a need to develop technology which includes all such seed treatments viz. nutrient supply, biofertilizer, insecticide, fungicide etc. in order to get multiple benefits economically. A pot experimentenSoil ScienceStudyCOMPATIBILITY AND FEASIBILITY EVALUATION OF ZINC APPLICATION WITH PESTICIDE AND BIOFERTILIZERS AS SEED TREATMENTS IN MAIZEThesis