Hari RamBhupinder Singh2016-09-072016-09-072016http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/75861A field experiment entitled “Response of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varieties to different sowing dates and growth regulator” was conducted at the Research Farm, Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana during rabi 2015-16. The soil of the experimental field was loamy sand, with neutral in reaction, low in organic carbon and available nitrogen, medium in available potassium but high in available phosphorus. The experiment was conducted in split plot design with combinations of three sowing dates (November 5, November 20 and December 5) and two varieties (WH 1105 and PBW 677) in main plots and four levels of growth regulator (control, water spray, salicylic acid 75 ppm and salicylic acid 100 ppm at booting and early milking) in sub plots, replicated thrice. November 5 and 20 sowing recorded significantly higher growth parameters, tiller density, chlorophyll content, days to different phenological stages, photo-synthetically active radiation (PAR) interception, normalized difference vegetative index (NDVI), growing degree days and economic returns as compared to December 5 sowing. Higher pollen viability was recorded in November 20 sowing however higher proline accumulation was recorded in December 5 sowing. November 5 and 20 recorded similar number of grains per ear, 1000-grain weight, biological yield, grain yield and harvest index. The highest protein content, hectoliter weight and grain hardness was recorded in December 5 sowing. Variety PBW 677 recorded significantly higher growth parameters and days taken to different phenophases than WH 1105. Higher pollen viability, proline content, number of grains per ear, grain yield, harvest index, sedimentation value and net returns were recorded in WH 1105. Salicylic acid (100 ppm) recorded delayed physiological maturity, higher NDVI, lower canopy temperature at 120 DAS, higher pollen viability, proline content, number of grains per ear, 1000-grain weight, grain yield, harvest index and net returns, which was statistically at par with salicylic acid (75 ppm) except proline content. Gluten index and grain appearance score was significantly higher in case of salicylic acid application than control. The variety WH 1105 sown at December 5 recorded similar grain yield as given by variety PBW 677 sown at November 5 and 20. Wheat crop can be grown successfully by planting between November 5 and 20 using variety WH 1105 along with foliar application of salicylic acid (75 or 100 ppm) at booting and early milking.enGrain yieldsalicylic acidwheat-varietiesResponse of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varieties to different sowing dates and growth regulatorThesis