LATA MENONSHAILAJA REDDY, K2016-08-062016-08-061989'Teleschool' is a part of the National Educational Television, which is used as supports for teachers in primary education sinr·t.! 1983. The Department of Education, through CIET and SIET has the total responsibility of planning and production of educational television programmes (ETV) in the regional language for school children in the age group S-8 and 9-11 years. Programmes on 'Teleschool' are presently relayed through INSAT-IB for a duration of 45 minutes from 9 to .9.45 a.m for six days a week. · The present study aimed at exploring the effect of age, previous exposure to teleschool programme~ and presentation mode of the programmes on children's comerehension and retention of science lessons present~d on teles(.:hool'. The sample comprised of 120 children selected from two villages of Maheshwaram Mandal of Ranga Reddy District. The children were divided into two age groups (~-10 and 10-11 years). The children were programmes with different modes shown three science of presentation. These were 'Gali' (demonstration Janthuvulu' (documentary f nrmat} (puppetry-story format}. method}, 'Shakhara and 'Nannuthinandi' The children were tested immediately after the telecast for free 1ccall and comprehension which was measured by cued recall judged by their responses to a questionnaire. Long term retention was tested by administering the same questionnaire after a period of two weeks. The results revealed that the educational television programmes had made an impact on the children. Children from both age groups were able to spontaneously recall on an average 42.8% of tne information presented. Their scores on the cued recall averaged 78%, with a 6% drop in information after a per.ud of 2 ~~~ks. The older children performed significantly higher than the younger age group in free recall and cued recall. The group already exposed to teleschool programmes were significantly better in free recall and retention than the group with no previous expobure to teleschool. The programme 'Nannuthinandi' which employed a puppetry-story format was the most popular (73.85%}. Information presented through this format was found to be the best for cued recall. The programme 'Gali' with a demonstration method though the least popular facilitated high free recall and had the highest retention. Information presented through a documentary format registered the highest loss in information within a period of two weeks.enStudy, Age, Exposure, Presentation, Determinants, Children's ,Comprehension, TeleschoolA Study of Age, Exposure and Presentation Mode as Determinants of Children's Comprehension and Retention of TeleschoolThesis