LOKESH G.BMANASA D.J2020-07-082020-07-082018-07-30150http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810148858Ajwain (Trachyspermum ammi L.) is a highly valued medicinally important seed spice grown in arid and semi-arid regions of India. The seeds are used in small quantities for flavoring various foods, in medicine and as preservatives. The study used both primary and secondary data to fulfill the objectives of the study. Primary data relating to socio-economic characteristics of farmers, economics of ajwain and its competing crops, marketing cost, margin and price spread of ajwain etc., was collected from 80 farmers in Raichur district, among which 40 were ajwain growers and 40 were non-ajwain growers and 10 wholesalers in Kurnool market and 10 retailers in Raichur city. The data were collected through personal interview method with the help of pre-tested structured schedule. The results revealed that the per acre cost of cultivation of ajwain is ₹ 25628 and it is higher than bengal gram (₹ 18933) and lower than cotton (₹ 40057). Ajwain is a labour intensive crop with 48.60 per cent of the total cost of cultivation incurred on labour cost. The net returns realized per acre of ajwain (₹ 23659) is higher than both bengal gram (₹ 7233) and cotton (₹ 14725), attributed to a higher market price of ajwain of about ₹ 12415 per quintal. The major marketing channel identified in the marketing of ajwain is channel I: Producer - Wholesaler (APMC) – Retailer – Consumer, through which 95 per cent of the farmers have sold their produce. Total market margin is 52.30 per cent. Price spread is ₹ 17,585 per quintal and producer’s share in consumer rupee is 41.38 per cent in ajwain marketing. The major constraints in ajwain cultivation are: crop is more prone to germination failure and lack of nearby markets. There is an urgent need for declaration of ajwain as notified commodity in Raichur regulated market area.ennullAN ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF PRODUCTION AND MARKETING OF AJWAIN (Trachyspermum ammi L.) IN HYDERABAD-KARNATAKA REGIONThesis