Hebbara, ManjunathaManjunatha Chari K.2020-02-272020-02-272015-12http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810143697A study was undertaken to assess land capability, crop suitability and land degradation status in Chikmegeri-3 micro-watershed of Koppal district. The soil survey was conducted using 1:7920 scale LISS IV satellite imagery and cadastral map. The soils were shallow to deep, dark reddish brown (2.5 YR) to very dark gray (10 YR) and sandy clay to clay in texture. The soils were classified up to family level. The exchangeable bases were in the order of Ca2+> Mg2+>Na+> K+. The soils were low in nitrogen and organic carbon, low to medium in phosphorus and sulphur, medium to high in potassium, iron, copper and manganese were sufficient and zinc was deficient. As per the land capability classification, soils belonged to class III and IV lands with limitations of texture, drainage and soil properties. Land suitability evaluation revealed that soils were suitable for pearl millet, sorghum and mulberry; moderately for soybean, groundnut, guava, pomegranate, sapota, mango, rose and jasmine and marginally for maize, finger millet, pigeonpea, chickpea and chilli crops. Water erosion and water logging were identified as major land degradation types 85.77, 7.04, 0.24 and 6.95 per cent of TGA was affected by sheet, rill, gully erosion and water logging, respectively. The soil loss studies revealed that 47.36, 21.35 and 10.14 per cent of TGA was affected by slight, moderate and severe soil loss, respectively. The low crops yield compared to their expected average yield was due to constraints of unfavorable climate and physico-chemical properties. Based on VS-Fast score approach of land degradation assessment, depth, tillage pan, surface crust and organic matter were the major constraints. Among soil quality indicators, exchangeable potassium, bulk density, mean weight diameter and dispersion index were identified as critical parameters. Soil quality indices of the mapping units ranged from medium to highennullSoil Resource Inventory of Chikmegeri-3 Micro-Watershed in Koppal District Using Remote Sensing and Gis TechniquesThesis