Rajathi, SAarthi GAbirami, KB, et al.,TANUVAS2024-07-152024-07-152023https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810211986The present research was undertaken on the mammary gland of twelve (n=12) adult kanni goats to investigate the histology of mammary gland in the lactating and non-lactating goats. Kanni goat breed is the tallest goat breed ofTirunelveli and Ramanadhapuram districts ofTamilnadu. The apparently normal mammary glands were collected from the slaughter samples of nearby areas ofTirunelveli and were categorized into two groups namely lactating and non-lactating. The tissue pieces were collected and fixed in 10% neutral buffered formalin and zenker's fluid. Fixed tissue were processed for routine paraffin processing and 4-6 micrometer thick sections were cut and stained with haematoxylin and Eosin method and special staining methods. The mammary gland was compound tubulo-alveolar gland. The secretory unit of the mammary gland consisted of alveoli and alveolar ducts. The simple cuboidal epithelium of alveoli was surrounded by contractile myo-epithelial cells, found between the epithelium and basement membrane. The proportion of interstitial tissue was less and the secretory units were numerous when compared to the non-lactating goats. The alveoli were round to oval in shape in lactating goat with the lumen filled with acidophilic secretory materials. The size of the alveoli was more in the lactating animals when compared to the non-lactating goats. The duct system in the present study oflactating and non-lactating goats was started from the alveoli as small intralobular duct to interlobular duct to lactiferous ducts to lactiferous sinus. The alveoli of the non-lactating goats showed degenerative changes. The lumen of the alveoli and ducts was found occluded. The corpora amylacea was found both in the alveoli and also in interstitial connective tissue of non-lactating goats.EnglishComparative Histological Investigation of Lactating and Non-lactating Mammary gland in Kanni Breed of GoatIndian Journal of Veterinary AnatomyArticle