PATIL, B. V.NADAGOUDA, SUSHILA2019-10-112019-10-112001-08-06Th-5922 undertaken on the nmnagenient of serpentine leaf miner Lirioniyza trifolii on cotton during 1997-98 and 1998-99 season revealed that cotton plants infested from sowing time and plants exposed for infestation from 10 and 20 DAS recorded significantly higher percentage of infestation which resulted in vegetative and reproductive growth loss. Early stage (upto 20 days) infestation of SLM resulted in a loss of 45.75 per cent. Studies on host plant resistance revealed that G. arhoreiun and G. herbaceuin genotypes recorded significantly lower incidence and maggot population of SLM compared to G. hirxutuin , G. barhadence and hybrids. Less preference of some genotypes was beciurse ofpresence of small thin lobed leaves, higher number of trichomes, less amount of proteins and reducing sugars. Sensitivity studies indicated that among the four locations the maggots collected from kasbe camp(high pesticide impo.scd area) were less .sensitive to all the in.secticides. Imidacloprid was superior over all the insecticides in inducing the mortality of maggots. The LC50 value was highest in maggots collected from kasbe camp for all the insecticides which varied froin 0.2356 to 0.5463 g per litre in cotton being highest to endosulfan and lowest to cypermethrin. Highest resistance ratio of 25.72 and 18.17 folds was recorded in Kasbe camp and RRS cultures respectively to cypermethrin. The LC50 of ad.ult L. trifolii collected from Kasbe camp varied from 0.39456 to 2.10670 |ig per ml.All the Irealments with castor trap crop recorded sgnificanlly lower incidence of SLM and among them castor sown inbetween two cotton plants recorded significantly lowest incidence and highest seed cotton yield . Seed treatment with imidacloprid 70 WS at 15g/kg of seeds resulted in significant reduction in incidence and maggot population upto 17 DAS . Incidence of SLM was significantly lower in biointensive IPM module(M-l) and after lODAS it performed on par with adoptable IPM molule {M-2) & it was highest inRPP module (M-3). All the three modules did not exhibit any significant difference in recording the seed cotton yield. Anlaysis of cost effectiveness of modules revealed higher licnefits from adoptable 1PM module followed by biointensive 1PM module and it was least in recommended pakage of practicesennullSTUDIES ON THE MANAGEMENT OF SERPENTINE LEAF MINER, Liriomyza trifolii(Burgess) (DIPTERA : AGROMYZIDAE) ON COTTONThesis