Madhavan Nair, K PSasidharan Nair, R CKAU2020-02-062020-02-061985 experiment was conducted at the Krishi Yigyan Kendra, Mitraniketan, Vellanad, Trivandrum District, with the objective, of finding out the optimum seed else and fertilizer dose to Dioscorea esculenta. The seed sizes of 50 g, 70 g, 90 g, 110 g and 150 g with a variation of - 10 g and fertilizer levels of 60 : 60 : 90, 8O : 80 : 120 and 100 : 100 : 150 kg NPK/ha wore tried in a factorial randomised block design with three replications. The seed size of 150 g was found to be superior In increasing the germination percentage, and growth characters such as length of vine, number of leaves per plant, LAI The yield attributes such as number and weight of tubers, number and weight of marketable tubers, length and girth of tubers, total tuber yield/ha, tuber bulking rate, utilization index and dry matter production were also found significantly higher in plants developed from seed sizes of 150 g. The fertilizer levels had no influence on growth characters, yield attributes and yield. The protein content of tho tuber increased significantly by the application of 100 s 100 s 150 kg EJPK/ha, while the starch and sugar content increased to the maximum by the 60 : 60 : 90 kg NPK/ha. (The seed else had no influence on any of the quality characters. Crude fibre was not affected by seed sizes or fertilizer level. Uptake of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium were influenced by the seed size of 150 g during all stages of growth. She highest fertilizer level influenced the uptake of nitrogen during all stages of growth while uptake of phosphorus was not at all affected by the fertilizer level.In general fertilizer levels had no effect on the uptake of potassiumennullEffect of seed size and fertility levels on the yield and quality of Dioscorea esculenta (Lour) BurkThesis