SANCHITA GARAIVISHNUPRIYA, A.2023-12-042023-12-042022 is one among the highly dairy progressive states in India and has immense potential in the livestock production. Factors like role performance, job competence and job satisfaction of the field level personnel play significant role in augmenting the developmental activities in the concerned departments thereby reaching out to the farmers. Therefore, the present study was undertaken in southern zone of Kerala purposively and three districts namely Thiruvananthapuram, Kollam and Alappuzha from this zone were selected randomly. Six blocks from each district were selected in random for the study. Major respondents of the study included Dairy Farm Instructors (DFIs) and Livestock Inspectors (LIs). Data were collected from 147 respondents for ascertaining role performance by different rating techniques and from 63 respondents for the other objectives of the study by interview schedule. DFIs had good role performance ascertained by self-rating (72.22% of DFIs), superior rating (66.68% of DEOs) and beneficiary rating (93.33% of farmers) respectively. LIs exhibited outstanding performance by self-rating (80% of LIs) and superior rating (58.33% of VSs) and possessed good performance by beneficiary rating (100% of farmers) respectively. As per the different ratings, their activity wise role performance was found. In the study, majority (72.22 %) of DFIs and 82.22 per cent of LIs expressed the tasks under various parameters of job as extremely important and highly important respectively and it was revealed that more than half (61.11%) of DFIs and most (93.33%) of LIs had possessed high level of knowledge/skills in performing the tasks. Competencies differed significantly at 5% level of significance under these components. With regard to job satisfaction, majority (94.44%) of DFIs and all the LIs (100%) were highly satisfied in their respective jobs. The study explained the significance of the parameters under job satisfaction of DFIs and LIs at 5% level of significance. Feedback documented from the respondents indicated constraints in their job environment and expressed that they had clear perception about improving their competencies in job as they had clearly demarcated the need for the same. They had also suggested possible measures for improvement of the job competency. Hence, suitable steps should be taken by the concerned departments to fulfil their requirements which would enrich the development of the sectors.EnglishROLE PERFORMANCE AND JOB COMPETENCE OF FIELD LEVEL DAIRY AND ANIMAL HUSBANDRY PERSONNEL IN SOUTHERN KERALAThesis