GUPTA, TARAYAMINI2021-10-252021-10-252021-10 The present study entitled “Effect of forest fire on floristic dynamics and soil properties of chirpine (Pinus roxburghii Sargent) forests of Himachal Pradesh” was carried out in six different sites in three Forest Divisions namely Solan, Hamirpur and Dehra Forest Division during the year 2020. The aim of the study was to assess the effects of forest fire on floristic composition, soil properties and natural regeneration of different species in chirpine forests. In each site, the burnt and unburnt forest areas were selected and compared with each other to study the effect of fire. Ten tree species, fifteen species of shrubs and twenty four species of herbs and grasses were recorded in burnt and unburnt forests of selected sites. The selected sites represented chirpine dominated forests.Simpson’s index of dominance value ranges between 0.14-1.00 and Shannon constant value ranges between 1.01-2-04 in burnt sites and species evenness index was higher in burnt areas. Pinus roxburghii, Pyrus pashia and Ficus roxburghii were damaged with foliage especially 1 year growth. The mean pH value was higher in burnt forests i.e.6.99. The electrical conductivity, available nitrogen (394.01 Kg/ha), available phosphorus (32.36 Kg/ha) and available potassium (257.63 Kg/ha) were found higher in burnt forests. The tree species namely Pinus roxburghii, Pyrus pashia, Cassia fistula and Bombax ceibaand among shrubs Woodfordiafruiticosawere able to survive forest fire.Among the broad leaved tree species, Quercus leucotrichophora was found most vulnerable for fire damage. Woodfordiafruiticosasurvived forest fire. Intentional fires can be protected by using pine needles commercially in agriculture and livestock raisingEnglishEFFECT OF FOREST FIRE ON FLORISTIC DYNAMICS AND SOIL PROPERTIES OF CHIRPINE (Pinus roxburghii Sargent) FORESTS OF HIMACHAL PRADESHThesis