Dr. Ashish RoyBHANDERI BHARAT BABUBHAI2017-07-112017-07-112008http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810024898Staphylococci are most significant among pathogen causing wide spectrum of diseases in both human and animal beings. Mastitis a disease of cows & buffaloes involved in severe economic losses to farmers & livestock owners world wide. The disease primarily leading to inflammatory conditions of udder is manifested as acute, sub acute or chronic form. The disease may have role of single or multiple etiolological agents leading to inflammatory symptoms. Among various pathogens involve in the disease S. aureus has been reported to be a prominent causal agents for mastitis. Thus the present study was undertaken with a view to know preponderance of Staphylococcus aureus in relation to bovine clinical and subclinical mastitis. The objective were isolation, identification, cultural characterization, PCR & cultural based detection of virulence associated character and in vitro antibiotic sensitivity patterns of Staphylococcus aureus from clinical and subclinical cases of bovine mastitis in and around Anand city of Gujarat.enVeterinary MicrobiologyStudyISOLATION, IDENTIFICATION, BIOCHEMICAL CHARACTERIZATION, ANTIBIOGRAM PATTERN AND MOLECULAR CHARACTERIZATION OF STAPHYLOCOCCUS AUREUS FROM CLINICAL AND SUBCLINICAL MASTITIC MILKThesis