KULIGOD, V. B.PATEL, SAYYED PHAYAZ2019-01-222019-01-222015-03http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810091996A study was undertaken in groundnut growing soils of Dharwad taluk in northern transitional zone of Karnataka during Kharif 2013-14. One hundred surface soil samples were collected from the groundnut growing fields of different villages in Dharwad taluk. Index leaf samples were also collected from same fields at flowering stage. Canopy spectral reflectances under visible (VIS) and infra-red (IR) bands were recorded using spectro radiometer in each of the field where leaf and soil samples were collected. Sampling locations were recorded by using global positioning system (GPS) meter. Available nitrogen status was predominantly low (81 % samples) whereas more than half (62 per cent) of the fields were medium in available phosphorus. Available potassium and sulphur contents were high in 76 and 48 per cent of the fields, respectively. All the fields registered sufficient exchangeable calcium and magnesium, available copper and manganese. Zinc was the most deficient while; only 25 per cent samples were deficient in available iron. Nitrogen concentration in groundnut leaves was rated medium in 70 per cent of the samples. Higher P, K, S, Ca, Mg, Zn, Fe, Fe2+, Cu and Mn concentrations were observed in groundnut plants. Among the major nutrients, available nitrogen had significant and positive correlation with leaf nutrient content. Available phosphorus had significant and positive correlation with N, P, K, Ca, Mg and Mn content of leaves while, it had significant negative correlation with leaf Zn concentration. The NDVI registered significant positive correlation with chlorophyll, N, P, K and Fe content and weak relationship with S, Ca and ferrous Fe content of groundnut crop. RVI showed significant correlation with chlorophyll and N content and poor relationship with plant P, K, S, Ca, total Fe and ferrous Fe.ennullGROUNDNUT LEAF NUTRIENT STATUS AND SPECTRAL CHARACTERIZATION IN RELATION TO SOIL FERTILITYThesis