Narabenchi, GangadharN., SAVITHAJ. B., GopaliM. P., BasavarajappaH. P., Hadhimani2020-10-072020-10-072018-07UHS16PGM746 present investigation on the development and evaluation of pest management modules against major insect pests of watermelon was conducted during 2017-18 at the University of Horticultural Sciences, Bagalkot (Karnataka). Field evaluation of new molecules of insecticides and biorationals against major insect pests of watermelon revealed that, three sprays of cyantraniliprole 10.26 OD @ 1.5ml/l at seven days interval found to be superior in managing most of the major insect pests viz., thrips, leaf miner, whitefly and fruit fly occurring on watermelon throughout experimental period, besides safer to coccinellids and spiders prevailing in the cropping ecosystem. Further, it recorded highest yield (52.68 t/ha) and B:C ratio (3.32). It was followed by application of acephate 75 SP @ 1g/l with yield of 41.65 t/ha and B:C ratio (3.17). Thiamethoxam 25 WG @ 0.2g/l and diafenthiuron 50 WP @ 1g/l which were also provided significant control of these pests. Of the different biorationals, spinosad 45 SC @ 0.2ml/l recorded relatively higher yield of 41.84 t/ha with the benefit cost ratio of 3.11 and azadirachtin 10,000 ppm @ 1ml/l recorded yield of 39.65 t/ha with the B:C ratio of 3.01besides offering good control and safety to natural enemies. Among the different pest management modules evaluated against major insect pests, adaptable module comprising of installation of yellow sticky trap @ 8 traps/ac at 15 days after transplantation followed by single spray of azadirachtin 10,000 ppm @ 1ml/l at 15 DAT, cyantraniliprole 10.26 OD @ 1.5ml/l at 25 DAT, Lecanicillium lecanii (2×108 CFU/g) @ 2g/l at 35 DAT and diafenthiuron 50 WP @ 1g/l at 45 DAT proved to be quite effective in managing major pests of watermelon by obtaining higher yield (44.89 t/ha) and B:C ratio (3.16). Next best module was chemi-intesive module with the yield of 45.32 t/ha and B:C ratio of 3.15 thus, adoptable module can be considered to recommend to watermelon growers as it found to be an effective, economical and relatively safer modules.EnglishDEVELOPMENT AND EVALUATION OF PEST MANAGEMENT MODULES AGAINST MAJOR INSECT PESTS OF WATERMELONThesis