Sunil Krishna Naik, LKumar2019-07-152019-07-152000No. of references 60"Investigations undertaken during 199 9-2000 at department of Agricultural Entomology, College of Agriculture, Dharwad. The survey carried out at MRS, Dharwad on two guava cultivars for seasonal fluctuations of Helopeltis antonii indicated that the pest incidence was at its peak during October both on young leaves (18.47%) and fruits (20.53%). No incidence was observed on flower buds during the study period on Cv. L-49. The peak infestation level on Cv. Navalur local was observed during September on young leaves (18.54%) and during December (8.62%) on flower buds. However, on fruits, it was observed during November (61.33%) and it vanished from February onwards. However on cashew (during off season) the peak incidence of the pest during December on young leaves was 11.98 per cent and on panicles (10.51%). On Cv. L-49, the pest incidence was at its peak during September (24.3%) at Navalur location on young leaves and on flower buds no incidence was observed excepting in December (0.79%). However, on fruits the highest incidence of 13.66 per cent was observed during September. On Cv. Navalur local the maximum incidence on young leaves was observed during September (17.94%) and no incidence was noticed on flower buds. During August 21.77 per cent incidence was observed on fruits. The desaping action by bug on fruits resulted in to necrotic lesion within a couple of hours and later on it resulted in scab formation. The dimension of such spots varied from 1.00 to 2.7 mm in diameter. The fruit infestation (8.98%) by the bug resulted in reduction in the monitory loss of Rs.4,691.28 per ha. Ascorbic acid, pectin, TSS content and weight of infested fruits reduced with the increase in infestation level. Whereas pH was highest at increased infestation level. The order of acceptance by the consumers was decreased as the level of infestation increased."ennullSTUDIES ON SEASONAL INCIDENCE AND LOSS ESTIMATION IN GUAVA DUE TO TEA MOSQUITO BUG, Helopeltis antonii Signoret (Hemiptera : Miridae)Thesis