Kumar, S. SivaSingh, Gagandeep2019-10-172019-10-172019http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810131634Packaging is an important aspect to preserve the quality and safety of milk and milk products. Development of bio-packaging materials to replace synthetic polymers has become a growing field of interest due to environmental concerns. The use of biodegradable films prepared from natural polymers has been strongly limited owing to their poor barrier and mechanical properties. Recently, the application of the nanobiocomposite concept is becoming a promising option to improve physico chemical, mechanical and antimicrobial properties of biodegradable biopolymer-based films. In this research, Nanobiocomposite film was made using corn starch, whey protein isolate, carrageenan, glycerol and nanoparticles like TiO2, Ag and ZnO. Ultrasonicator was used for dispersion of nanoparticles in nanobiocomposite film. Antibacterial Activity of nanoparticles (TiO2, Ag and ZnO) incorporated slurry and film was checked against Gram +ve Bacillus cereus and Gram –ve E. coli. From the results, Minimum Inhibition Concentration (MIC) was found to be 0.3% for nanoparticles (TiO2, Ag and ZnO). From the cell cytotoxicity results, it was observed that up to 0.3% nanoparticles usage in the film preparation is safe to use as a packaging material in food products packaging. Water Vapour Permeability and moisture of TiO2, Ag and ZnO nanobiocomposite film decreased as compared to composite film. Mechanical properties like tensile strength and puncturing strength was also improved for TiO2, Ag and ZnO nanobiocomposite film as compared to composite film. Structural integrity of TiO2, Ag and ZnO nanobiocomposite films were studied with composite film. From this study, it was concluded that TiO2, Ag and ZnO based nanobiocomposite film having better physiochemical, mechanical and antibacterial properties than composite film.ennullPROCESS OPTIMIZATION FOR THE DEVELOPMENT AND CHARACTERIZATION OF NANOBIOCOMPOSITE FILM USING NANOPARTICLESThesis