Sarabjeet SinghHardeep Kaur2017-06-152017-06-152013 present research was undertaken with a view to compare the coverage of news, including agricultural and rural news, in various newspapers with different parameters and to find biasness, if any, in publication of the news. Three English newspapers i.e. Hindustan Times, The Tribune and The Indian Express were selected for this quantitative and qualitative study conducted on 15 randomly selected news stories with 12 parameters. It was found that Hindustan Times and The Tribune covered more stories with boxes as compared to The Indian Express. Similarly, The Tribune and The Indian Express published maximum stories with pictures whereas Hindustan Times published least pictures. The study also pointed to the fact that there were major differences in number of columns as well as word count. Both the parameters were almost doubled in many news stories. This shows that while one newspaper accorded top importance, the others gave half the space and display. From the study it was also found that even news sent by PTI were not carried equally by all newspapers. The study of all these three newspapers revealed that the newspapers vary in coverage of particular news as per their editorial policies and space consideration, but it is hard to conclude that the newspapers under the present sample were biased despite having variance in coverage. Each newspaper provided different bits of information in a particular news story which of course, adds uniqueness and ingenuity to the newspapers. sennullCOMPARISON OF COVERAGE OF NEWS IN DIFFERENT NEWSPAPERSThesis