A.K. VermaPunam Singh2024-06-282024-06-281997https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810211107Title: Study of variability, correlation and path analysis in India mustard (B rassica JunceaL.) The present investigation on the genotypic and phenotypic variability ,correlation and path coefficient analysis was carried out for eight characters in forty genotypes of Indian mustard taken from different sources. Analysis of variance for eight characters revealed highly significant variation among the genotypes for all the characters. The range of variation observed in eight characters indicated a wide range of variations within characters. Highest range was observed in characters, 1000 seed weight and lowest in days to maturity. The phenotypic coefficient of variation was highest for 1000 seed weight followed by number of siliquae per plant. Days to maturity had the lowest coefficient of variation followed by plant height. As may be seen from the table the phenotypic and genotypic variances of three characters viz seed yield per plot, number of siliquae per plant and plant height were quite high. Highest genotypic and phenotypic coefficient of variation was found for 1000 seed weight. The character days to maturity had the lowest phenotypic and genotypic coefficient of variation. Highest heritability estimates was observed for days to 50% flowering (96.26) followed by 1000 seed weight (91.87) days to maturity (77.08), plant height (77.01) and seed yield per plot (64.70). The character number of primary branches per plant had the lowest heritability followed by no of seeds per siliqua and number of siliqua per plant.The expected genetic advance suggested relative differences among the different plant characters studied.The characters seed yield per plot showed highest genetic advance (72.72) followed by number of siliquae per plant (21.29) and plant height (19.91).The chaEnglishStudy of Variability Correlation and Path Analysis in Indian MustardThesis