C. SinghAnil Kumar2024-07-062024-07-061999https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810211525The cultivation of litchi (Litchi chinensis sonn) has its commercial significance due to delicious taste, excellent flavor, pleasant fragrance and attractive colour. It has enough nutrient like ,carbohydrate, vitamins, acids, proteins, minerals and fat. But there are some problems like fruit cracking, lower yield with poor quality etc. which restricts the expansion of litchi area in plateau region. Irrigation plays a vital role in the development of vegetative growth of plant and better production of good quality fruits. Therefore, irrigation is necessary to maintain the proper soil moisture particularly during a dry season which ultimately reduces the fruit cracking and enhances the production with good quality fruits .Foliar feeding of nutrients is known to influence the metabolic activity of plants apart from serving as a mode of supplementary feeding, there by mobilizing the yields and quality of fruits. Hence an experiment was laid out on the topic Effect of irrigation, calcium and Boron on fruit cracking, quality and yield of litchi (litchi chinensis sonn)cv.Shahi: It was conducted in the cropping year 1998.The treatment consists of two levels of irrigation (I-50 litres of water,I2-100 litres of water)and two spraying each of calcium(c1-.05% and C2-1% and boron (B1-0.4% and B2-0.8%) including control i.e. neither irrigation nor sparying of nutrients. The first irrigation and spraying of nutrients (calcium and boron ) were made on the 10th April’98 and 32th April 98.There were nine treatment including control, these were relicated thrice in Randomized Block Design(factorial.From the finding, it may be concluded that higher level of irrigation alongwith higher level of calcium or boron had shown the better performance on reduction of fruit cracking, higher fruit weight but so far, individual effect is concerned the higher level of irrigation, calcium and boron had shown the marvelous performance on fruit yield, juice content and chemical properties of litchi fruitsEnglishEffect of Irrigation, Calcium and Boron And Fruit Cracking Quality And Yield of Litchi CV. Shahi Under Plateau Region ..Thesis