J.G.ANGADISANDIKA, A. L.2019-05-202019-05-202007-08-29TH8687http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810104040This study was conducted during 2005-06 in Belgaum district of North Karnataka to assess the organizational climate perception by VOs and VLIs of Karnataka state Department of Animal Husbandry and VeteriniU"y Service (AH & VS). Organizational climate perception was measured by using a scale, which consisted of 28 items representing seven dimensions of organizational climate viz., communication, decision making, â– programme planning and implementation, supervision and guidance, organizational structure and personnel management. The VOs and VLIs were selected in proportion to their number in the field to form a sample of lOO.The data were collected by using personal interview. The collected data were analyzed using frequencies and percentages, t-test and simple correlation. Majority of VOs (55.0%) and 45.0 per cent of VLIs perceived the organizational climate as favourable. Whereas, the most favourable perception was observed with only 15.0 per cent VLIs and 34.0 per cent VOs. On the contrary, less favourable perception was noticed with more number of VLIs (40.0%) as compared to VOs (11.0%). Further, there existed a significant difference between means of organizational climate perception of VOs and VLIs.ennullA STUDY ON ORGANIZATIONAL CLIMATE PERCEPTION BY VETERINARY OFFICERS(VOs) AND VETERINARY LIVESTOCK INSPECTORS(VLIs) OF DEPARTMENT OF ANIMAL HUSBANDRY AND VETERINARY SERVICE, KARNATAKAThesis