SHEKHAR H. T2019-07-052019-07-052008 calf diarrhoea (NCD) which is called as Colibacillosis/ Calf scours is one of the most common and economically important problems encountered in farm animals. It is responsible for heavy morbidity and mortality in calves. Outbreaks occur mainly during the first fortnight of life (Acres, 1985). Many bacteria, virus and other factors like management and nutrition play an important role in causation of diarrhoea. Among bacteria, enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC) is a major enteropathogen ascribed to NCD. About 50% cases are due to E. coli infection (Hussain et al., 2003).ISOLATION, PURIFICATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF FIMBRIAL EXTRACTS FROM ENTEROTOXIGENIC E. coli OF CALVESThesis