TRIPATHI, D.JAMIO, WOSHANTHUNG2017-05-082017-05-082014 The investigations entitled "Nutritional survey of apple orchards in Kullu district of Himachal Pradesh" were undertaken to determine the nutritional status of apple orchards, located in different blocks of district Kullu and so as to establish therelationships among soil characteristics and nutrient content of soils and plants. Based on uniformity in respect of age and growth a total of 25 apple orchards were selected in five blocks (Kullu, Naggar, Banjar, Anni and Nirmand) of the district. Soil (0-20 and 20-40 cm depths) and plant (leaf) samplescollected from apple orchards were analyzed for some of the physico-chemical properties and for their macro-nutrient (N, P, K, S) and micro-nutrient (Zn, Cu, Fe and Mn) status. Soil reaction (pH) was found to be slightly acidic to near neutral and electrical conductivity values were in safe limits (0.8 dSm -1 ). Almost all the samples registered high organic carbon content. However, soils were low, medium to high in available N, K and Zn, high in P, Cu, Fe and Mn, whereas S was in sufficient range. Leaf analysis revealed sufficient levels of N, P, Fe and Mn. However, K and Cu were in low to sufficient range, leaf S was found to be medium to high, whereas, Zn was in low, sufficient to high range. Organic carbon was positively and significantly correlated with all the analyzed nutrients. However, its positive relationship with available Fe in surface soils and Mn in sub-surfacesoils was statistically non-significant. Organic was also positively and significantly related with leafN and K, while, P and S were positively related with organic carbon but was statistically non-significant. Surface as well as sub-surface soils exhibited positive relationship with all the analyzed leaf nutrients, however, only N exhibited a positive and significant relationship. It is expected that the present results will be helpful to the growers, planners and other extension agencies for effective and judicious application of fertilizers in order to have higher yields of quality fruits.enNUTRITIONAL SURVEY OF APPLE ORCHARDS IN KULLU DISTRICT OF HIMACHAL PRADESHThesis