Dr. J. K. PatelDarji Ayusheeben Rajeshkumar2020-06-222020-06-222018http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810147814Looking to the importance of group led extension in recent era, there are wide scopes for the extension functionaries to adopt group approach for effective, efficient and time bound extension services. Farmer Interest Groups (FIGs) are the key factor in transfer of agricultural technology even though their sustainability is a major concern for extension bodies. In spite of the challenges that each group faced during the development phase, these groups shared factors that contributed to success. On the other hand, there might be certain problems in using these groups in extension services. The role of extension officers in supporting farmers is to set up and run their interest groups. Therefore there is a need to analyze the situation and factors responsible for effectiveness of group dynamics of FIGs working under ATMA. Hence, greater emphasis should be laid on educating the extension functionaries working under ATMA about various aspects of group dynamics and factors associated with effective group formation. One way by which extension scientists can contribute to this task, is to find out better ways and means of promoting effective and efficient group of farmers by finding out the factors responsible of group dynamics effectiveness of FIGs under ATMA. Thus, one can find the unfavorable factors in the environment of extension pose for additional pressure. For generating information on this dimension, the present research study on “Group Dynamics of Farmers Interest Groups under ATMA in Ahmedabad District of Gujarat State” was undertaken with following specific objectives.en-USnullGROUP DYNAMICS OF FARMERS INTEREST GROUPS UNDER ATMA IN AHMEDABAD DISTRICT OF GUJARAT STATEThesis