HARILAL, R(MAJOR)SHARMA, G.R.KGANGARAJU, GNARENDRANATH REDDY, J2018-11-302018-11-302016-12http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810084925THESESABSTRACT: An ex-post-facto research design followed in the present investigation for which 120 dairy farmers (who were rearing cattle and buffaloes) of Chittoor district were selected randomly to study the utilization pattern of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) among dairy farmers. The data pertaining to dependent variables viz. ICT utilization pattern and knowledge on ICT tools and independent variables collected with the help of a pre-tested interview schedule developed for the purpose. After collection of data, farmers were divided into three groups based on type of flock i.e. large farmers, medium farmers and small farmers for better analysis and presentation of results. Personal, socio-economic and psychological characteristics of dairy farmers revealed that majority of dairy farmers (70.00%) were in the middle age category. Majority of dairy farmers were had medium level of education. About 64.20 per cent dairy farmers were in low category of herd size. Majority of the dairy farmers (55.00%) were in medium category of income. About 55.90 per cent of dairy farmers were in medium level of farming experience. It was evident that 45.00 per cent of farmers were in the medium category of information seeking behaviour. The results regarding achievement motivation revealed that 45.00 per cent of dairy farmers were in medium category. About 50.00 per cent of dairy farmers were in medium category of economic orientation. Majority of the dairy farmers were in low category of management orientation and scientific orientation. The distribution of respondents according to ICT utilization pattern was mostly low level among all three categories up to the extent of 41.70 per cent in dairy farmers. About 49.20 per cent of dairy farmers in study area had medium level knowledge on ICT tools. The relational analysis revealed that education, information seeking behaviour, economic orientation, achievement motivation, had positive and significant relation with utilization pattern of ICT tools among dairy farmers. Whereas age was negatively significant. As for as knowledge on ICT tools concerned correlation analysis revealed that variables viz. education, income, information seeking behaviour, achievement motivation, economic orientation, management orientation and scientific orientation had significant and positive relationship with farmers knowledge on ICT tools, whereas age was negatively significantly related to knowledge on ICT tools. Multiple regression analysis revealed that all the independent variables put together explained about 31.60 per cent of variation in utilization of ICT of the respondents and about 70.07 per cent of variation in ICT knowledge of respondents. Problems perceived by dairy farmers in utilization of ICT were Lack of knowledge in using ICT tools, ‘Weak network connectivity’, ‘High cost and maintenance of ICT tools’, ‘Not aware of benefits of Internet’, ‘Lack of continuous power supply’, ‘Lack of training in use of ICT tools’, ‘Frequent advancements in technology’, ‘Lack of training in use of ICT tools’, ‘Lack of time for personal acquirement of knowledge on ICT tools’, ‘Limited access to ICT tools’. Suggestions perceived by farmers were ‘Provision of proper training on use and applications of ICT tools’, ‘Governments should provide useful ICT tools on subsidiary basis’, ‘Strengthening of contemporary ICT tools rather than conventional ICT tools’, ‘Governments should focus on uninterrupted power supply’, ‘Village Panchayat should be equipped with A.V. Aids like LCD projectors, Televisions, etc., to farmers.’, ‘Extension agents should intensify their efforts in teaching farmers how to utilize complex ICT tools’. Strategies for improving the utilization of ICT tools by dairy farmers were 1) Capacity building should start at grass root level 2) Young farmers should assign to retrieve information from internet 3) Regular trainings and workshops to the farmers especially young farmers on the advancements in information and communication technologies (ICTs) 4) Regular and need based trainings and refresher trainings should be conducted by the Animal husbandry department 5) Extension agents should be encouraged and oriented to intensify their efforts in teaching farmers on utilization of ICT tools 6) Each and every Panchayat should be equipped with useful ICTs like computer, LCD projector, Television, etc., 7) Uninterrupted internet connectivity should be provided with broad band connection at free of cost 8) Uninterrupted power supply should be provided 9) Installation of all ICTs with total equipment and arrangements 10) Regular monitoring of ICT tools by qualified technician at free of cost 11) Provision of instant solution facility for ICT tools usage related problems by providing the customer care toll free number to all farmers.ennullA STUDY ON UTILIZATION PATTERN OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES (ICTs) AMONG DAIRY FARMERS IN CHITTOOR DISTRICT OF ANDHRAPRADESHThesis