CHAUHAN, JITENDER KAHIR, MEGHA2022-09-222022-09-222022-10 The present study “Selection and characterization of superior genotypes from seedling tree population of walnut (Juglans regia L.) in Chamba district of Himachal Pradesh” aimed to assess the nature and magnitude of variability in walnut of existing plantations. On the basis of pre selection survey, a total of 98 healthy and bearing walnut genotypes were marked across walnut growing areas of Chamba district of Himachal Pradesh during 2019-2021. Marked trees were observed to be erect to semi-erect to spreading in growth habit, trunk girth, yield and yield efficiency varied between 53.15-422.55 cm, 3.44 to 57.93 kg/tree and 0.79-80.06 g/cm2, respectively. Low variation witnessed in various leaf characters. None of the marked trees was noticed to be lateral bearer. The physical nut and kernel characters like nut length, nut width, nut weight, shell thickness, shelling percenatage, thickness of dividing membranes, kernel weight, kernel length, kernel width and kernel percentage ranged from 29.30-48.64 mm, 27.91-39.66 mm, 9.73-23.34 g, 0.83-2.59 mm, 48.49-81.71 per cent, 0.13-3.18 mm, 2.82-9.26 g, 24.79-37.52 mm, 22.18-32.29 mm, 18.29-51.51 per cent, respectively among different walnut genotypes. High heritability with high value of genetic gain was obtained for yield efficiency and yield; with moderate genetic gain in kernel weight, shell thickness and nut weight in the genotypes under study which indicated that these characters were under the strong influence of additive gene action and hence simple selection procedure based on phenotypic expression of these traits would be more reliable. Maximum positive direct effect cited towards yield was contributed by kernel weight, nut width, nut length, leaf: leaflet width, shelling percentage, leaf: leaflet length, kernel percentage and thickness of dividing membranes. According to PCA, 6 principal components accounting for 83.46 per cent of total variance was extracted. Variables with high discriminating values including kernel weight, kernel percentage, kernel length, kernel width, nut length, nut width and nut weight were identified as the most useful variables for evaluation. On the basis of these variables, 9 superior genotypes were selected. On the whole, the present study has resulted in some elite walnut selections of indigenous origin representing a valuable genepool for use in future.EnglishSELECTION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF SUPERIOR GENOTYPES FROM SEEDLING TREE POPULATION OF WALNUT (Juglans regia L.) IN CHAMBA DISTRICT OF HIMACHAL PRADESHThesis