MAHADEVAIAH, G. S.CHANDRAPPA, T.2020-10-072020-10-072019-12-21Th-12556 present study was carried out with objectives of assessing overall performance of livestock sector in Karnataka, spatial variation in growth of livestock population, production and productivity, long run relationship between production and prices of major livestock products, demand and supply projection and economics of livestock rearing of sample households. Primary data were collected from 60 sample households each from Tumkur and Kolar districts. Secondary data on livestock population, livestock products, yield and prices of livestock products were collected from line departments. Results of the study indicated that overall growth performance of livestock population during 2003-07, 1990-97 and 1977-83 was highly impressive with 7.35, 5.13 and 3.13 per cent respectively. The results of the growth performance of output were mixed trends in most of the species of livestock in all livestock census of the Karnataka state except poultry. The growth rate of poultry in the state was increased from 7.82 per cent during 1990-97 to 35.07 per cent during 2012-17. The projections of supply and demand of livestock products for 2030 were 10,028 and 9,447 thousand tonnes in case of milk, 251 and 1,731 thousand tonnes in case of meat and in case of eggs 1,01,015 and 3,14,692 lakh eggs respectively. Livestock products prices and outputs were positively correlated.The overall net return per cow was Rs. 30,619.95 and per buffalo the net return was Rs. 19,786.43. The net return from a herd sige of 19 sheep was Rs. 30,661 and it was Rs. 13,054 for a herd size of 11 goats.The annual income realized from livestock raring was 68.65, 64.87, 55.66 and 43.42 per cent out of the households total income for non-cultivators, small and marginal, medium and large farm households respectively and remaining source of income comes from other sources such as agriculture, off-farm and non-farm activities.EnglishGROWTH DIMENSIONS OF LIVESTOCK SECTOR IN KARNATAKA-AN ECONOMETRIC ANALYSISThesis