Yasothai, R.TANUVAS2017-09-052017-09-052016-102278-3687http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810030446Genetic variation, dietary sodium and the response of blood pressure: Essential hypertension is a common disease, Association between the parental blood presume, genetic, nutritional and other environmental factors, (obesity, sodium chloride, alcohol, low potassium, low calcium, low omega –3 fatty acid intake, stress, physical activity etc) interact in the development of hypertension. Variations in the blood pressure are due to combined effects of many genes. As result different individuals, even within the same family may be hypertensive due to combined effects of many genes. Patients with low plasma rennin respond to salt restriction. Genetic differences most likely are responsible for salt sensitivity. Only half of the patients with essential hypertension is salt sensitive, therefore a general recommendation to reduce salt intake is not appropriate.en-USVeterinary ScienceNutrientsMicronutrients in NutrigenomicsInternational Journal of Science, Environment and TechnologyArticle