Kawatra, AshaShukla, Shipra2016-11-282016-11-282006http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/87864The present study was undertaken to develop blends of quality protein maize (QPM) with soybean/green gram and evaluate their nutritional composition and shelf life and utilize them in product development. Nutritional analysis of blends revealed that the protein content of Blend I (70% QPM + 30% soybean) was 21.74 per cent and Blend II (70% QPM + 30% green gram) was 15.55 per cent. Crude fat content of Blend I was higher i.e. 12.07% as compared to Blend II (70% QPM + 30% Green gram) and 100% QPM. Crude fibre and ash content was also found to be higher in Blend I. Starch content of 100% QPM was highest 67.25g/100g. Total soluble sugars and non-reducing sugar content was highest in Blend II. Reducing sugar content of both the blends was almost similar. Mineral profile of Blend I was superior as compared to that of 100% QPM and Blend II but availability of minerals was maximum for 100% QPM. Phytic acid and tannin content of Blend I was highest and that of 100% QPM flour was lowest. Through out the storage period of three months the blends were organoleptically acceptable in terms of sensory attributes. The free fatty acids and fat acidity increased significantly by the end of storage period and this increase was more in Blend I. Blends were utilized for development of various products including baked (cake and biscuits), dehydrated (fryums and vadi) and traditional products (halwa, upma, dalia, cheela, gatta curry, namakpara, sattu, burfi). All the products were organoleptically acceptable. Nutritional evaluation of products revealed that protein, fat, ash and fibre content of Blend I based products was higher. Protein content in Blend I based products ranged from 15.00 per cent (in burfi) to 30.00 per cent in cake. Fat content ranged from 9.96 per cent (in sattu) to 41.34 per cent (in halwa). Starch content of 100% QPM products was found to be significantly higher as compared to those prepared form Blend I and II. Maximum starch content was found in 100% QPM based namakpara i.e. 68.26g 1100g and minimum was found in 100% QPM dalia i.e. 32.48g/100g. Blend I based products contained higher amount of calcium, iron, zinc and copper whereas phosphorus and potassium content was higher is Blend II based products. In vitro starch and protein digestibility was found to be maximum in products prepared form 100% QPM. Thus, QPM blends with pulses can be developed and consumed in the diet in order to improve the quality and quantity of protein in diet and hence can help in improving nutritional status of population.enQuality protein maize, Blend, Minerals, Value added products, Soybean, Green gram.Nutritional evaluation and utilization of quality protein maize (QPM) based blends