Sudhadevi, P KSadhana, KKAU2019-12-112019-12-112014 were undertaken in Department of Pomology and Floriculture, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara during 2011-2013 to evaluate the philodendrons for landscaping and interior plantscaping. The study comprised of four experiments in which twenty-five species/varieties were selected for evaluation. Based on the growth habit, thirteen species/varieties were selected and their performance under different indoor light conditions was studied. Air Pollution Tolerance Index of all the species /varieties was computed and they were evaluated for their use as cut foliage. Twenty-five selected species/varieties of philodendrons were classified into two categories namely heading and climbing types based on their growth habit. Wide variation was observed in their growth characters. Among the heading types, Philodendron lacinatum‘Variegata’, Philodendron x Magnificum and Philodendron ‘Majesty’ were found to have maximum growth. In climbing types of philodendrons, Philodendron bipinnatifidum, Philodendron lacerum and Philodendron williamsii recorded maximum growth. Based on the growth habit, thirteen species/varieties of philodendrons were selected for evaluating their performance under five different indoor light zones viz., low (<800 lux), medium (800-2000 lux), high (>2000 lux), supplementary light without air condition (800-2000 lux) and supplementary light with air condition. It was found that most of the philodendrons could thrive well under supplementary light zone with and without air condition. Species/varieties like Philodendron x Magnificum, Philodendron ‘Black Prince’ and Philodendron ‘Majesty’ could be recommended for all the light intensities tried. Philodendron ‘Red Sunlight’ and Philodendron ‘Black Beauty’ could be recommended for areas with low light intensity. Plant quality rating of the philodendrons was done by visual scoring based on growth and fullness, color and pigmentation, suitability to indoor conditions and pest and diseases incidence. Based on this the selected philodendrons were classified into excellent, good, medium, low and not acceptable. It was observed that Philodendron ‘Majesty’ had the highest score and Philodendron 'Moonshine', the lowest. The Air Pollution Tolerance Index (APTI) of philodendron species/varieties under the study was computed. Based on this, they were categorized into sensitive, intermediately tolerant, moderately tolerant and tolerant. It was observed that Philodendron ‘Majesty’ and Philodendron serratum had the highest APTI values and were tolerant to air pollution.xv Philodendron sagittifolium, Philodendron karstenianum, Philodendron x Magnificum, Philodendron wendlandii, Philodendron bipinnatifidum, Philodendron ‘Ceylon Gold’, Philodendron superbum and Philodendron ‘Smithi’ were found to be the most susceptible and they could be recommended as pollution indicator plants. Vase life and leaf characters are important for use of any foliage as cut foliage. Philodendron pertusum, Philodendron ‘Pluto Red’ and Philodendron ‘Black Prince’ are the species/varieties with longest vase life while Philodendron superbum, Philodendron ‘Moon Shine’, Philodendron williamsii are the species/varieties that had the shortest vase life. Based on the leaf characters like texture, color and pigmentation, shape and pattern and size, the leaves were visually scored for use as cut foliage and were classified into excellent, good, medium, low and not acceptable. Philodendron ‘Majesty’ and Philodendron ‘Pluto Red’ were found to possess the highest and lowest scores, respectively.ennullEvaluation of philodendrons for landscaping and interior plantscapingThesis