Dr. C. SethulekshmiM. BINDU PUSHPA2024-08-062024-08-062023-03-23https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810212918The present study was undertaken to detect Coxiella burnetii in milk and vaginal swabs of goats with reproductive disorders. A total of 450 samples which included milk (150), vaginal swabs (150) and blood (150) were collected from Thrissur, Palakkad and Malappuram districts. The samples were collected randomly from households, organised and unorganised farms of Thrissur, Palakkad and Malappuram districts. Milk and vaginal swab samples collected were subjected to extraction of DNA. The DNA was extracted from goat milk samples using phenol chloroform method. Extraction of DNA from vaginal swabs was carried out using Qiagen blood and tissue kit. The molecular confirmation of C. burnetii was done by targeting Com1 and IS1111 gene. The targeted Com1 and IS1111 genes could not be detected in any of the collected goat milk samples using PCR. The C. burnetii could not be detected in any of goat vaginal swab samples using PCR assay targeting Com1 and IS1111 genes. Blood samples were collected from goats of Thrissur, Palakkad and Malappuram districts were subjected to extraction of serum. Serum of goats were tested for antibodies against C. burnetii using commercial ELISA kit (Bio X Diagnostics). Out of 150 goat sera samples, 12 sera samples showed seropositivity for C. burnetti. Overall seroprevalence reported was 7.99 per cent, while highest was reported in Malappuram (four per cent) followed by Palakkad (2.66 per cent) and Thrissur (1.33 per cent) districts. A survey was conducted using well designed questionnaire among the households, organised and unorganised farms of Thrissur, Palakkad and Malappuram districts. Information regarding the occurrence of various reproductive disorders like abortions, stillbirths, repeat breeding in goats was collected. Economic loss occurred due to abortions, stillbirths and repeat breeding was calculated. From the survey it was noticed that elevated type of flooring was most preferred as the state is known for rains and it is labor friendly. Malabari and Attappady were two common goat breeds reared in all the three districts. Losses due to occurrence of abortions and stillbirths in organised and unorganised farms is more compared to households. Occurrence of various reproductive disorders in goats is due to both infectious (bacteria, virus, parasite) and non- infectious causes (environmental stress, nutritional deficiencies).One of the infectious causes for reproductive disorders in goats is C. burnetii. Inhealthy animal it is usually asymptomatic, but in pregnant animals it either causes abortions, stillbirths, placentitis or sheds in various excretions like milk, vaginal mucus, faeces urine and thereby spreading the disease to entire flock. In order to prevent C. burnetii in goats detailed knowledge of risk factors is necessary and implementation of one health approach in milk industry can ensure food safety.EnglishDETECTION OF COXIELLA BURNETII (C. BURNETII) IN MILK AND VAGINAL SWABS OF GOATS WITH REPRODUCTIVE DISORDERSThesis