Kiresur, V RHanjagimath, Shivakumar B2019-08-142019-08-142003No. of references40 research of late, faces acute scarcity of financial and human resources, thus, given limited resources, there is an urgent need for efficient allocation of the same. In this context, agricultural research prioritisation assumes importance, and therefore, an attempt was made in this study to prioritise agricultural research by zones, crops and agro-biological constraints. The study was conducted in three agro-climatic zones of Karnataka, viz., Zone-VUI, Zone- EX and Zone-X. Two districts were selected from each of the selected zone. From each district, one taluk was selected at random and two villages were selected from each of the selected taluks randomly. Finally, nine farmers were selected at random from each of the selected villages. Thus, the sample comprised of 108 farmers. The study used both primary and secondary data. The present study used simple tabular analysis for the yield gap estimation and prioritization of research programmes based on production loss due to different constraints. Results revealed that the gap between the research station yield and demonstration plot yield was much wider as compared to the difference between actual farm yield and potential farm yield. It was mainly due to the environmental differences and farmers management practices. Ranking of constraints based on yield loss indicated that most of the crops across zones were severely affected by rainfall, pests, diseases and weeds. Soil related problems were the severe most problem in the Zone-X. Among several socio-economic constraints, fluctuations in price of output, non-availability credit on time, non-availability of labour during peak season, high wage rate and unawareness of improved technology were the most severe constraints faced by the farmers in the study area. Prioritization based on production loss revealed that, chilli, onion, sugarcane, jowar and paddy in Zone-VItl; sugarcane, paddy, cotton groundnut and jowar in Zone-EX; and paddy, sugarcane, groundnut, tomato and brinjal in Zone-X were the top five prioritized crops which deserve more attention. Future resource allocation for research could be done based on these prioritised crops and constraints for achieving better research productivity.ennullAGRICULTURAL RESEARCH PRIORITIZATION FOR AGRO-CLIMATIC ZONES-8, 9 AND 10 OF KARNATAKAThesis