DR. M. M. LUNAGARIAVIBHA TAK2021-06-022021-06-022019https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810169472Soybean (Glycin max L.) is one of the important oilseed crops of the world occupying 67.62 million hectares of land, with a production of 281.7 million tones (Anon, 2014). It is a unique two-in-one crop, having both high quality protein (43%) and oil (20%) content. It is raised in Kharif where supplemental irrigation facilities are available. The field experiment were carried out during the year 2015 and 2016, aimed to achieve the objectives set forth in laid out with split plot design with four replications to study “Calibration of InfoCrop (V 1.2) model for soybean (Glycin max L.) cultivars under varying plant spacing in middle Gujarat condition’’. The experiment involved three spacing viz., S1 – 45 x 10 cm, S2 – 45 x 5 cm and S3 – 30 x 10 cm as main plot treatments with three different cultivars viz., V1 – GS 2, V2 – GS 1 and V3 – NRC 37 as sub plot treatments.EnglishCALIBRATION OF INFOCROP MODEL (V 1.2) FOR SOYBEAN (Glycin max L.) CULTIVARS UNDER VARYING PLANT SPACING IN MIDDLE GUJARAT CONDITIONThesis