Umamahesaran, KAliya, FerzanaKAU2020-11-042020-11-042014173373 study entitled "Immunological and molecular detection of banana viruses and production of disease free planting materials" was conducted in College of . Agriculture, Vellayani, and Thiruvananthapuram during !he period of2011-2014. Symptomatological studies showed that the characteristics symptoms caused by BBTV were small, brittle leaves with thickened veins which remained bunched at the top of the pseudostem. Plants with early infection did not produce fruits, where plants with later infection produce bunch with reduced size, weight and mishapen fingers. The characteristic symptoms caused by BBrMV were reddish spindle shaped lesion in the pseudostem, flag leaf sheath, leaf petiole, and bract. Leaves of infected plants showed characteristic chlorotic spindle shaped lesion on the leaf lamina. The characteristic symptoms of BSV were chlorotic streaks in the leaf lamina. Later the chlorotic streaks became necrotic. The characteristic symptom of CMV was mosaic pattern in the leaf lamina. The pathophysiological studies conducted in cultivar Nendran revealed that there was significant difference in carbohydrate, chlorophyll, protein and phenol content in infected plant when compared to healthy ones .. The activity of defence related enzymes like peroxidase, polyphenol oxidase and phenylalanine ammonialyase were found to be more in infected plants. Electrophoretic analysis of protein in virus infected samples through SDS-PAGE revealed the presence of an additional protein in the protein profile. The protein profile of BBTV infected sample showed one extra band with molecular weight of 20 kDa, BBrMV infected sample showed three additional protein band with molecular weight of 38 kDa, 29 kDa and 22 kDa, BSV infected sample showed three additional proteins with molecular weight of 25 kDa, 19 kDa, and 12 kDa, CMV infected sample showed one extra band with molecular weight of 25 kDa. Electrophoretic analysis of isozyme though native gel revealed the increased action of peroxidase enzyme in infected sample. Detection of VIruS infecting banana was carried out using varIOUS immunological techniques such as DAC-ELISA and DIBA using polyclonal antiserum (Agdia) and monoclonal antiserum. Both the techniques were found to be efficient in detecting virus infecting banana. Molecular diagnosis of the BBTV was carried out using CP gene and replicase gene specific primers. PCR product with amplicon size of about 530 bp was observed for coat protein gene specific primer where 237 bp was observed for replicase gene specific primer. Molecular diagnosis of BSV was carried out using two CP gene specific primers resulted in PCR product with amplicon size of 664 bp and 730 bp. Molecular diagnosis of CMV was canied out using CP gene specific primer resulted in PCR product with an amplicon size of 687 bp. CP gene specific primer for BBrMV did not give positive result. Cluster dendrogram analysis revealed that the BBTV isolate was mostly related to BBTV coat protein gene of Burundi isolate, BSV isolate was mostly related to banana streak virus isolate Trichi, CMV isolate was mostly related to cucumber mosaic virus isolate Trichi coat protein gene. The meristematic region of the virus infected banana suckers were excised and inoculated to MS media with BAP and NAA. The regeneration of plants from meristematic region was difficult because of high phenol production and contamination by endogenous bacteria. Meristem culture eliminated BBTV, CMV and BBrMV but not the BSV. Based on the research result, the banana VIruses can be detected usmg immunological and molecular technique and the meristem culture can eliminate all the banana viruses except BSV.EnglishImmunological and molecular detection of banana viruses and production of disease free planting materialsThesis