JANJHUA, YASMINMASTA, KIRAN2022-09-262022-09-262022-09https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810188136Abstract Farmers a major element, today is encountered with problems at both macro and micro level. The present study aimed to study farmers attitude towards trainings imparted for capacity building, examined effect of trainee characteristics, trainer characteristics and training design on transfer of training. The extent of transfer of training by the trainees was also studied and the constraints encountered by farmers in transfer of training were investigated. The study was conducted on farmers who had participated in training programmes conducted by Dr. Y. S. Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Nauni, Solan. The sample of the study comprised of 333 trainees who were selected using purposive random sampling technique. The results showed that majority trainee farmers had a positive and favourable attitude towards the training programmes being imparted to them. The findings revealed that trainee characteristics i.e. self-efficacy, motivation to learn, motivation to transfer and socio-demographic factors such as age and primary occupation, trainer characteristics and learning from training accounted for variances in transfer of training. The self-efficacy belief, motivation to learn and motivation to transfer were noted to be higher, behavioural change and learning were also reported by trainees. Poor finance, being oblivious of government schemes and support system and lack of inputs were found to be the top ranked constraints. The other constraints reported by farmers were lack of technology, inability to purchase, fear of failure as a result of adoption, credit unavailability, high cost of adoption and so on. The constraints reported by trainees hinder the transfer of training to great extent. Thus due attention to the concerned department’s is required in this direction.EnglishFARMERS’ ATTITUDE AND EFFECT OF TRAINING DESIGN ON TRANSFER OF TRAININGThesis