Dr. Sanweer KhatoonNEELAM KUMARI FARAN2018-05-302018-05-302017http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810048176A nine month study from May 2016 to January 2017 was done in six different villages of two tehsils (Vallabhnagar and Mavli) of Udaipur district and the overall prevalence of for gastrointestinal helminths in the Sheep and Goat of Udaipur district was reported.The higher prevalence of helminth infection was noted in sheep (80.78%) than goat (75.89%). Among various helminth infections reported in the present study, Strongyles (34.46%) were the most prevalent gastrointestinal helminth followed by Amphistome, Trichuris, Fasciola, Moniezia and Strongyloides. In sheep, seasonal analysis revealed highest prevalence in rainy season followed by summer and lowest in winter whereas in goat highest prevalence in rainy season followed by winter and lowest in summer.Tehsil wise prevalence showed highest prevalence in Vallabhnagar tehsil in sheep whereas in Mavli tehsil in goat. Sex wise observations that the females were more infected with helminth infection than the males in sheep and goat respectively.The age wise prevalence of helminths infection reported highest prevalence in age group more than 2 years followed by 1-2 year group and group 6 moth -1 year in both species. Month wise helminth infection showed higher prevalence in October Month in goat whereas in sheep it is in September month. 119 The various Clinical manifestations observed in case of sheep goat were diarrhoea, constipation, bottle jaw, fever, Anemia/pale mucous membrane, salivation, lacrimation, loss of appetite, paralysis, dysponea, reduced milk yield, & Emaciation.In epg highest intensity was noted in Strongyle species. In haematology, there is reduction in Haemoglobin, packed cell volume and ESR in the helminth infected sheep and goats. In Total Leukocyte count in sheep and goat lymphocytes, eosinophils and monocyteshowed increased in infected group. In Biochemical values in infected sheep and goat total protein and albumin were decreased whereas globulin was increased. It concludes that helminth infection is to be controlled by adopting proper preventive measures and there is change in haemato biochemical profiles due to helminth infection.ennullSTUDIES ON PREVALENCE AND HAEMATOBIOCHEMICAL CHANGES IN HELMINTH INFECTION IN SMALL RUMINANTS IN UDAIPUR DISTRICT (RAJASTHAN)Thesis