Sharma, Vijay KumarKour, Dilshad2023-01-032023-01-032022-08-16 study was executed to evaluate nutritional attributes of local medicinal herbs and toanalyze their effect as feed additives in the ration of sheep. This study was carried out in two phases.Phase I included the proximate and fiber analysis of the twelve herbs viz. Allium sativa linn (Garlic),Cuminum cyminum linn (Cumin), Emblica officinalis (Amla), Murraya koenigiii(Curry leaves),Pimpinella anisum (Sounf), Sapindus trifoliatus (Reetha), Terminalia arjuna (Arjun), Trigonella-foenumgraecum(Methi),Zingiberofficinale(Ginger),Curcumalonga(Turmeric),Ocimumtenuiflorum (Tulsi) andAzadirachta indica (Neem) and then subjected to screening at differentinclusionlevelsof3%,3.5%and4%ofrationtoascertaintheireffectoninvitrorumenfluidpH,drymatter digestibility and organic matter digestibility of ration containing wheat straw as roughage andconcentratemixture.Anyofthetwelveherbsdidnotshowanyadverseeffecton invitropHofrumenfluidatdifferentinclusionlevels.However,itappearedthatincorporationofPimpinellaanisum@3%of rationresultedin significantincrease(p0.05) on body weight, DM and CP intake whereas significant increase (p0.05) between the two dietary groups. Rumen fermentation parameters (rumen fluidpH, ammonia-nitrogen, total nitrogen, TCA-ppt nitrogen and non-protein nitrogen) were comparableinbothdietarygroups.Bloodbiochemicalprofilepresentedsignificantlyhigher(p0.05) was seen in serum globulin, Albumin:Globulin ratio, total cholesterol, alaninetransaminaseandaspartateaminotransferase,BUN,creatinineandbloodglucoseconcentrationbetween both groups. It can be inferred from the above data that Pimpinella anisum @3% of rationcan effectively be used as feed additive in the sheep ration for improving feed intake, nutrientdigestibilityandutilization.EnglishEvaluation of herbs as feed additives in the ration of sheepThesis