Dr. M. SESHA MAHALAKSHMIAPPALA RAJU, ANNEPU2018-08-082018-08-082017http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810063659D5418Studies on “Evaluation of certain cotton genotypes against leafhopper, Amrasca devastans Dist. (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) and its management through ecofriendly approach” were undertaken during Kharif, 2016-2017 at Regional Agricultural Research Station, Lam, Guntur. Fourteen cotton genotypes including one susceptible check were selected for screening against leafhoppers and replicated twice in a simple Randomized Block Design. The evaluation of different cotton genotypes against leafhopper under field conditions revealed that, among all the genotypes, GISV-267 was resistant against leafhoppers by recording the lowest damage injury index level (1.0-1.5 per cent ) harbouring mean population of only 5.3/3 leaves/plant and also recorded the highest yield (18.5 q/ha). GSHV-173 genotype was also found promising with low leafhopper population together with high yield. Morphological and biochemical characters were studied for fourteen cotton genotypes to asses the characters associated with tolerance or resistance to leafhoppers. The study revealed that the genotypes with the highest hair density in leaf lamina and midrib had exhibited the lowest leafhopper injury index and proved as resistant genotypes against leafhoppers. The genotypes with higher quantity of biochemical components such as tannins and phenols both at vegetative stage and reproductive stage showed resistance or tolerance against leafhoppers. The experiment for management of leafhoppers through eco friendly approach was carried out in Randomized Block Design with seven treatments along with control which were replicated thrice. Two each of botanicals, entomopathogens and inorganic insecticides evaluated against leafhoppers infesting cotton. Among all the treatments, thiacloprid + flubendiamide 480 SC was proved as significantly superior over the other treatments in suppressing the leafhopper population both at 3 and 7 days after treatment by recording the highest reduction over control. The other treatments in the order of efficacy in suppressing the leafhopper population are thiacloprid 48 SC and azadirachitin 10000 ppm with more than 50 per cent reduction in leafhopper population over untreated control.The entomopathogens Lecanicillium lecani and Beauveria bassiana had exerted comparatively less efficacy in suppressing the leafhopper population when compared to botanicals and inorganic insecticides. Natural enemy population was more in the entomopathogens and botanical based treatments which were found to be on par with control plots. The seed cotton yield was highest from thiacloprid + flubendiamide 480 SC @ 0.4 ml / l (18.98 q / ha) but it was found on par with thiacloprid 48 SC 0.3 ml / l (18.80 q / ha.) and azadirachitin 10000 ppm @ 1.5 ml / l (17.62 q / ha).en-USnullEVALUATION OF CERTAIN COTTON GENOTYPES AGAINST LEAFHOPPER, Amrasca devastans Dist. (CICADELLIDAE: HEMIPTERA) AND ITS MANAGEMENT THROUGH ECO-FRIENDLY APPROACHThesis