Agrawal, SanjeevSingh, Manali2019-02-062019-02-062018-08 is a varietal emporium of medicinal plants and is one of the richest countries in the world with regard to genetic resources of medicinal plants. Withania somnifera is a revered herb of Indian medicinal system. Owing to the presence of pharmacologically bioactive compounds. The roots and leaves of Ashwagandha contain various alkaloids viz. Withanolides and withaferin A. Among withanolides, withaferin A and withanolide A has been reported to be dominant metabolite distributed among various tissues of this plant in varying concentrations. Since the location and environmental factors play a key role in the biosynthesis of the bioactive metabolites so the agro-climatic conditions are conductive for introducing and domesticating new exotic plant varieties with enhanced and consistent withanolide A/withaferin A contents. Thus keeping in mind the pharmacological significance of the bioactive ingredients, the present study focuses on the different strategies employed for their enhanced production. MS medium supplemented with Kinetin 1.5 mg/l was found to have highest withaferin A content i.e. 0.93 mg/g (DW) while withanolide A content was highest in MS medium supplemented with Kinetin 1.5 mg/l i.e 0.348 mg/l (DW). Agrobacterium rhizogenes transformed Poshita recorded highest total withaferin A content i.e 5.969 mg/g (DW) and total withanolide content i.e 2.017 mg/g(DW). In aquaponics the total withaferin A content of 6 month grown seedling, was higher in Jawahar-20 i.e 2.904 mg/g (DW) while withanolide content was higher in Poshita i.e 4.019 mg/g (DW). Moreover use of different elicitors at very low concentrations were found to enhance the withaferin A /withanolide A content. Thus both the varieties i.e. Jawahar-20 and Poshita are the promising varieties of Withania somnifera, with higher withaferin A /withanolide A production. Thus implementation of tissue culture techniques, Hairy root culture, usage of elicitors, bio augmented soil and aquaponic system can offer promising approach for enhanced growth and sustainable production of pharmacologically bioactive ingredients in perspective of improving cultivation of Ashwagandha.ennullEffect of micro/macro environment of rhizogenesis for optimization of withanolide contents in Withania somniferaThesis