Heranjal, D. D.Patel, Naresh M.2018-07-042018-07-041982http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810056852Study on pathogenesis of T. evanai was carried out in albino mice, rats and rabbits which were artificially infected with T. evansi. In mice and rats, the disease was characterized by rapid and fatal course with a steady increase of trypanosomes in the blood circulation, while in the case of rabbits, the disease took a chronic course with a relaping type of infection. Blood glucose level significantly decreased during the course of infection in all the three species of laboratory animals. Differential leucocyte count revealed significant neutrophilla, lymphopenia and monocytosis, which were expressed through a significant increase in the values of Neutrophil - Lymphocyte Index (N.L.I.) and Monocyte- Lymphocyte Index (M.L.I.) in mice and rats. However these values were non-significant in the case of rabbits.enPATHOLOGYA STUDYA STUDY ON PATHOGENESIS OF EXPERIMENTAL TRYPANOSOMA EVANSI INFECTION IN LABORATORY ANIMALS-ALBINO MICE, RATS AND RABBITSThesis