Dr. R.SWARNKARHITESHKUMAR BABUBHAI SHAKYA2019-06-152019-06-152016http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810108607In middle Gujarat region, weeding operation in wetland paddy is largely done by hand or Khurpi. Another method is the use of mechanical weeders viz., manual or power weeders i.e. engine or tractor operated weeder. Power weeder is not suitable for wetland condition due to increased weight and operational difficulties in puddle field condition. Japanese paddy weeder and TNAU conoweeder are the package equipments and largely adopted by the farmers of the region.en-USnullDEVELOPMENT AND PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF MANUALLY OPERATED CONO-WEEDER FOR PADDY CROPThesis