Allan, ThomasDevapriya Kaimal, SKAU2020-12-182020-12-182020174904 study entitled ‘Multidimensional analysis of apipreneurship prospect in South Kerala’ was undertaken with an objective to explore the entrepreneurial potential, the extent of knowledge and adoption of improved apiculture technologies. This study also diagnosed the constraints in apiculture, profiled the beekeepers and ascertained their training needs. The study comprised of 90 respondents i.e. 75 apipreneurs and 15 experts. Apipreneurs were selected randomly from the three districts namely Pathanamthitta (30), Idukki (30) and Kottayam (15). Five experts each were selected from the respective districts of study. Fifteen independent variables were selected through judge’s rating. Entrepreneurial potential and extent of adoption were the dependent variables selected. On analysis, 37.00 per cent of apipreneurs belonged to middle age (47-58), with family size upto four (57.33%) and 41.33 per cent had education upto high school. Over 52.00 per cent had experience in beekeeping less than 10 years. Majority (69.33 %) apipreneurs attended two day trainings. Majority of apipreneurs had medium level of market intelligence (74.66%), risk propensity (82.67%), optimism (66.67 %) and knowledge level (74.67) with maximum employment generation during the scarce season of beekeeping (58.56%). The distribution of apipreneurs based on their entrepreneurial potential revealed that 16.00 per cent of them belonged to low category followed by 69.33 per cent in the medium category and remaining 14.67 per cent to high category. The mean total score of entrepreneurial potential was 97.82 with a minimum and maximum score of 79 and 118 respectively. The results of the principal component analysis revealed that entrepreneurial motivation alone contributed 55.4 per cent variation with an eigen value of 2.217 to the overall entrepreneurial potential. The results of the adoption quotient revealed, that majority of apipreneurs i.e. 64.00 per cent belonged to medium category of adoption, followed by 18.67 and 17.34 per cent in low and high category of adoption. The mean adoption quotient (AQ) was 71 per cent with a maximum and minimum AQ of 96.67 and 48.89 per cent respectively. In case of the recommended practices, seven out of eighteen practices had an overall adoption percentage greater than 90. On categorization of apipreneurs to different adopter categories as explained by Rogers (1982) majority of the apipreneurs belonged to late majority (47%). The results of the correlation revealed that out of 15 independent variables selected for the study, 9 variables were significantly related to the dependent variable adoption. The independent variables, viz., total land holding, market intelligence, trainings attended, experience in beekeeping and employment generation were significant at 1% level of significance followed by institutional interventions, credit orientation, optimism and knowledge at 5% level of significance. On analyzing perceived usefulness and effectiveness of selected apiculture technology of KAU, use of ant pan/oil band to control ants was considered to be very useful (76%) and control of viral diseases using turmeric along with artificial feed was considered very effective (80%). Result of training need assessment pinpointed that apipreneurs felt the need of trainings related to the quality testing of honey (76%) and value addition of honey and its byproducts (66.67%). The major constraint experienced by the apipreneur was the lack of a reasonable minimum support price for honey and its byproduct (78.66%). The primary suggestion for refinement was development of governmental policies specific to the beekeeping community. To conclude, the present study indicates, the entrepreneurial potential of an apipreneur was determined by the principal component ‘entrepreneurial motivation’. Also, the intensity of total adoption of apiculture practices was significantly high (71%) among the apipreneurs and nine out of 15 independent variables showed positive and significant relationship. The presence of 47 per cent of late majority highlights, that there exists considerable room for the improvement in beekeeping and for scaling up the adoption through suitable extension interventions, even though the overall adoption per cent is relatively high.EnglishMultidimensional analysis of apipreneurship prospect in south KeralaThesis