William, B. JustinPrakash, R. JayaKannan, T.A.Bharathidasan, M.TANUVAS2018-02-082018-02-082015http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810040659TNV_TH_2015_MVM13048Asiatic lions (Panthera leo persica) and hybrid lions are often subjected to chemical irnmobilization and anaesthesia for various measures related to conservation and effective and emergency surgical procedures. Management of long term anaesthesia has been carried out under using injectable anaesthetics and ancillary drugs which pose problems due to change in depth of anaesthesia and alteration in homeostasis leading to stress and stress related complícations.enVeterinary ScienceVeterinary Surgery and RadiologyXYLAZINE - KETAMINE IMMOBILIZATION KETÅMINE OR PRÖPOFOL INDUCTION AND ISOFLURANE MAINTENANCE IN ASIATIC HYBRID INDIAN CAPTIVE LIONS (Panthera leo)Thesis