Thakur, . NidhikaPATEL, RAHUL2022-12-012022-12-012022-10-06RAHUL PATEL .2022.“EFFECT OF DIFFERENT PRUNING INTENSITIES AND TIME ON GROWTH, YIELD AND FRUIT QUALITY OF PHALSA (Grewia subinaequalisDC.). Thesis, M.Sc. investigation on “Effect of different pruning intensities and time on growth, yield and fruit quality of phalsa (Grewia subinaequalis DC) was carried out at Department of Fruit science, College of Horticulture, Banda University of Agriculture& Technology, Banda during 2021-22. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Block Design (Factorial) with three replications. All the growth, yield and quality parameters were periodically observed. Analysis of results revealed that the treatment combination P2D1 (20 cm pruning + 1st week of January) improved economically important characteristics viz. average number of branches per plant (89.00 branches), plant spread (E-W, N-S) (1.40 m), plant height (2.00 m), average number of leaves per branch (32.00), minimum days taken to flowering (25.00), minimum days taken to fruit setting (8.00), number of fruit cluster per plant (1754.33), average number of fruits per cluster (11.00), average fruit weight (4.62 g), average yield of fruits per plant (0.95 kg), average fruit length (1.15 cm), average fruit breath (0.99 cm), fruit TSS (24.00 0Brix). However, minimum days taken to sprouting (15.00), was noticed with treatment combination P2D4 (20 cm + 4th week of January) while maximum titrable acidity (2.48 %), was observed with treatment combination P3D1 (30 cm + 1st week of january). On the basis of research findings, it can be concluded that treatment combination P2D1 (20 cm pruning + 1st week of January) showed the best performance w.r.t. growth, yield and quality, attributes of phalsa (Grewia subinaequalisDC.).English“EFFECT OF DIFFERENT PRUNING INTENSITIES AND TIME ON GROWTH, YIELD AND FRUIT QUALITY OF PHALSA (Grewia subinaequalisDC.)Thesis