Umarani, R.Jeyakumar, K.Kokila, S.Vishnugurubaran, D.Pazhanivel, N.TANUVAS2019-06-062019-06-062019-05 bitches aged between 6 to 8 years were presented with the history of mass in between the vulvar lips, bloody vaginal discharge and frequent licking of the external genitalia. Per vaginal examination revealed, multiple vaginal masses cranial to the urethral orifice with patent urethral opening. Vaginal masses were surgically excised after episiotomy and panhysterectomy was performed to avoid recurrence. Histologically the masses were confirmed as vaginal fibroma.en-USVeterinary ScienceDogsMultiple Vaginal Fibroma in Dogs and its Treatment – Review of Six CasesIndian Veterinary JournalArticle