Ambulkar, D. R.Kale, S. B.2018-01-312018-01-312014 present research work entitled "Baseline survey of Animal Husbandry Practices Followed by the Tribal Community in the Notified Tribal area of Dharni Block of Amravati District was undertaken to study the socioeconomic status of tribal farmers and their attitude towards animal husbandry practices to understand their constraints. The Dharni block of Amravati is notified as trrbal area in Maharashtra, having more than 75 percent of tribal population. The tribes in this area are living in the periphery of forest and are totally dependent on forest for their livelihood. They also maintain cows, buffaloes and desi birds for their livelihood as subsidiary income source. However the productivity of livestock possessed by them is low due to low genetic potential. ln addition to that the knowledge of animal husbandry managemental practices is the main constraints for these tribes to have standard adoption. ln the view these points, this study is planned. Ten different villages of Dharni Tehsil of Amravati district were randomly selected for the present investigation. Twenty respondents from each village were personally interviewed for collection of data. An interview schedule comprising of different personal and socio-economic parameters, knowledge test about different animal husbandry managemental practices and constraints faced was prepared. The interviews were conducted in local language Marathi so as to have correct and valid responses. It has been observed that majority of tribal respondents were literate (65.5%) and were marginal and small farmers having't to 3 animals with them. The annual income of almost all the respondents was below 50,000/- in study area. The respondents were having sound knowledge of breeding management, feeding management, milking management and health care of animals. However, the practices was majority of respondents were having medium to low adoption level about animal husbandry managemental practices like exact time of insemination, constitution of concentrate mixture use of leguminous crops in their ration, necessity of drying of pregnant animal, lmportance of full hand milking, etc. The respondents were also facing some constraints in management of dairy animals because of long distance of A.l centers, nonavailability of semen at A.l. center, on availability of pasture land for grazing, non availabrlity of seeds of fodder crops in local market. The productive performance of local dairy animals maintained by the tribal was poor. The average milk yield 1.54 liter and 2'6 liter was recorded for local cow and buffaloes, respectively The dry period of 129 days in cow and 192 days in buffaloes was observed in the present study' It is concluded from the present study that, majority of the tribals were literate, marginal or small farmers and landless laboures having 1 to 3 animalswiththemwithVerylowannualincome(leSSthan50'000/.)'Through the tribal were having the sound knowledge of various animals husbandry practices, the adoption level was low to medium The productive performance of the dairy animals maintained by the tribal was poor because low production potential of non-descript animals and low to medium adoption of scientific animal husbandry practices inspite of sound knowledge The tribal were also facing constraints regarding breeding' feeding and health care management because of lack of facilities like Veterinary clinic, A.l. centre, Grazing Land, Water Scarcity, Credit facility Low education standard' less land holding and no irrigation facilities might have been contribute to very low annual income of tribal farmersennullBaseline Survey of Animal Husbandry Practices Followed by Tribal Community in the Notified Tribal Area of Dharani Block of Amravati DistrictThesis