Srivastava, S.K.Kalra, Lekha2021-01-302021-01-302020-12 sector plays an important role in the Indian agricultural sector covering an area of about 24507.90 thousand hectares, with total production of over 31459.30 thousand tons during 2017-18. The present study tried to analyse the growth and instability of oilseeds in India with the help of following objectives; i. To examine the status of production and consumption of edible oils, ii.To estimate the growth rates of area, production, productivity, import and export of major oilseeds and iii.To examine the level of instability in area, production, productivity, import and export of major oilseeds. Descriptive statistics like averages, percentages, etc are used to examine the status of production and consumption of edible oils, exponential growth function has been fitted for estimating compound annual growth rates, and Cuddy – Della Valle instability indices are constructed to measure the level of instability in area, production, productivity, import and export of major oilseeds in India during the period from 1970-71 to 2017-18 which is further divided on the basis of Technology Mission of Oilseeds as Pre TMO period from 1970-71 to 1985-86, TMO I from 1986-87 to 2001-02, TMO II from 2002-03 to 2017-18, overall TMO from 1986-87 to 2017-18 and overall period of study 1970-71 to 2017-18. In India total production of edible oils, without copra oil, increased142.67 per cent in 2017-18 over the year 1970-71, whereas, with copra the change during the same time period was 144.86 per cent. Soybean oil production over the entire study period increased to the tune of 9363.73 per cent, whereas, niger oil, safflower oil and sunflower oil production decreased as compared to the other edible oils. Total import of edible oil was quite high in all the specified periods, showing huge dependency on imported edible oil to meet out the domestic needs. Though India also exported edible oils but its proportion was less than 01 per cent to the total quantity imported in the years. Import of all the oilseeds except groundnut oil, niger oil and copra oil increased many folds from 1970-71 to 2017-18. Among all the edible oils with positive net import the soybean edible oil had lion’s share in all the years. Consumption of groundnut and copra edible oils was less than the production due to their net exports, whereas, reverse picture emerged with respect to soybean edible oil in all the respective periods. Total production of oil from edible oilseeds fell short of about 39 per cent to the total consumption in 2017-18 of edible oil processed from the 07 edible oilseeds which was fulfilled by the import of these edible oils, whereas, when copra oil was also taken into account then this dependency to domestic consumption on owned produced edible oil increased to more than 75 per cent. Despite huge increase in the population of the country per capita consumption increased remarkably from 6.51 kg/ year to 11.43 kg/ year without copra oil and 12.08 kg/ year to 17.68 kg/ year with copra oil in the year 1970-71 to 2017-18. Area of groundnut crop declined, which mainly forced the production to decline in all the major producing states, except West Bengal. The significant higher growth rate in area, production and productivity of soybean are found during overall TMO period in the states of Madhya Pradesh (undivided), Gujarat and country as a whole. Area, production and productivity of rapeseed and mustard increased remarkably as more CAGR was found in TMO period as compared to that of Pre TMO period. Linseed area (-4.59 from -1.78 per cent per annum) and production (-2.95 from -3.43 per cent per annum) declined in the country during TMO period compared to that of pre TMO period but productivity performed much better than the area and production. Sunflower area declined in all the major states as a well as country except in the state of Madhya Pradesh (undivided) during TMO period, whereas, in case of productivity of sunflower higher growth witnessed during TMO period in the country. Castor area and productivity grew in India along with in the states of Gujarat, Punjab and Rajasthan during all the specified periods, whereas, production of castor increased only in the states of Gujarat, Rajasthan and country as a whole. Niger area and production grew in major producing states of Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Madhya Pradesh (undivided) and Gujarat during all the phases of the study, whereas, productivity of niger grew in Assam, Gujarat, Bihar (undivided) and country as a whole. Sesame area increased in the states of Gujarat, West Bengal, Orissa and India, production grew in Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, West Bengal and India during the entire study period while, productivity increased in all the periods in Tamil Nadu and Madhya Pradesh (undivided). In area, production and productivity of safflower West Bengal was the only states which performed better than the other major producing states. Compound annual growth rate in the import of groundnut, soybean safflower, castor and niger oilseeds increased in all the periods of the study, whereas, export of all the oilseeds increased in all the specified time periods taken in the study. The instability analysis reveals that higher fluctuations in the area of soybean is observed only in the state of Gujarat, while, production was less stable in Gujarat, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan production of soybean compared to the other major states. Production of groundnut in Gujarat was highly unstable as compared to the other states and so as productivity. Area, production and productivity of rapeseed and mustard were more fluctuating in the state of Tamil Nadu. Linseed area, production and productivity was found stable only in Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh (undivided), whereas, highly unstable in Punjab, Karnataka and West Bengal. Castor area and production was found unstable in Tamil Nadu and Maharashtra while, productivity was seen more fluctuating in Maharashtra. During the entire study period area and production of sunflower was not stable in any of the major producing states while productivity was unstable in the states of Maharashtra and Karnataka. Production of sesame was found stable in Andhra Pradesh and Gujarat. With respect to area and production of safflower West Bengal with more variations was found, whereas, in case of productivity West Bengal remained on the top in all the specified periods as compared to the other major states. Area, production and productivity of niger in Karnataka and Maharashtra was found comparatively less stable than that of the other states. Import of all the oilseeds was highly unstable during all the specified period, whereas, export was also unstable except in castor. Despite higher increase in the MSP of oilseeds than that of cereals, their less production compared to the consumption thereof in India calls for micro level of all aspects with respect to increase the oilseeds production in different states of the country to formulate suitable strategies related to development and adoption of technology, availability of quality inputs, remunerative price, market infrastructure, etc. to boost the oilseeds production in the country.EnglishGrowth and instability of oilseeds in IndiaThesis