PUSHPA KHADIVEENA, M2019-02-202019-02-2021-01-04Th-6944http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810095969The study on Influence of Family Functioning and Social climate on Adolescent's Adjustment, conducted on a sample of 240 Pre-University students of Arts faculty (16-18 years), selected from 6 co-educational colleges of Dharwad taluk of Karnataka state, revealed that family functioning was significantly related to the adjustment of adolescents. Social activities of boys and parental support was significantly more than girls. The family functioning and its dimensions viz., family cohesion, communication, enmeshment and conflict, of both 1 and 11 year boys and girls fell in the normal range. The family conflict had an adverse effect on the adolescent's adjustment. The family conflict was significantly lesser in joint families compared to nuclear families. With regard to social climate, most of the adolescents were dis-satisfied regarding their aspiration for friendship. A higher percentage of adolescents had friendship with opposite gender, choose friends by personal characteristics, followed by academic standards. The parents also insisted such traits in selection of friends. Sociometric status was significantly related to mother's education, but was negatively related to sibling size. While the choice of gender of friends was significantly related to sigling size indicating about 25 percent of both boys and girls had poor adjustment. Adolescents from joint families had unsatisfactory adjustment compared to the adolescents from nuclear families. Cohesion and enmeshment were negatively related to communication and conflict. Adolescents who lacked parental support aspired for more friends. But higher parental support suppressed adolescent's adjustmentennullINFLUENCE OF FAMILY FUNCTIONING AND SOCIAL CLIMATE ON ADOLESCENT'S ADJUSTMENTThesis