GAONKAR, VPUJAR, LATA L2019-10-312019-10-311996No. of references 86 study on self-concept, study involvement and parental encourageaient among high and low achievers was carried out in Dharwad city during 1995-96.One hundred and forty two high achievers (who scored 80 percentage of narks in the final examinations for the previous two years) and 142 low achievers (who scored 50 percentage and below in the final examinations for the previous two years), studying in eighth, ninth and tenth standards were selected from two reputed English medium high schools. Sinha’s (1980) self-concept inventory and Indiresans (1978) study involvement scale were used to assess the self- concept and study involvement of the respondents. To assess the parental encouragement, the scale developed by Shekhar(1980) was used. Correlation co-efficient and 'Z' tests were used for analysing the data. The result of the present investigation indicated that high achievers had better self-concept,study involvement and received more encouragement from their parents than low achievers. Low achieving boys had better self-concept than gir1s.Further, high achieving girls and low achieving boys received significantly more encouragement from their fathers. As age of the respondents advanced their self-concept and encouragement given by the parents also increased among both the groups. The type of family did not significantly influence any attributes of both high and low achievers. The study involvement among low achievers and parental encouragement among both the groups significantly improved with father’s education. Father’s occupational level significantly and positively correlated with parental encouragement among high achievers. The percapita income positively and signifiantly related with the study involvement of high achievers and with parental encouragement of both the groups. The self-concept, study involvement and the parental encouragement were positively and significantly inter-related.ennullSELF-CONCEPT, STUDY INVOLVEMENT AND PARENTAL ENCOURAGEMENT AMONG HIGH AND LOW ACHIEVERSThesis