Hugar, L BSindagi, Anand S2019-08-132019-08-132000No. of references 70"The dtyland area occupies prime position indian agriculture as it contributes about 44 per cent of food busket by occupying 67 per cent of arable (143 million ha.) land. However, soil erosion, land degradation and deterioration are threatening the sustainabilits' of agriculture for which development of land on watershed approach is most ideal. National Watershed Development Programme for Rainfed Area (NWDPRA) is one of the such programmes for development of dryland agriculture in the countn.', and one-of it is implemented in Bidar district, Karnataka since 1993-94. For evaluation of watershed programme, Aliamber village which covers the entire watershed area and Janawada village (non-treated area ) with sample farmers of 40 each were randomly selected. The Cobb-Douglas tA-pe of production function and decomposition analysis were employed to findoui contribution of watershed treatment over non- watershed area. The project evaluation technique was used to test the viability of investment m watershed development. The watershed development had brought the changes in land use pattern with the total cultivation area in watershed area (74.20''o)being higher than that of non-watershed area (58.57%). The cropping intensit\ was also higher (137.88°b) in watershed area, compared to non-watershed (117.28%) area. The input use, cost incurred and returns obtained m all the crops under watershed area were higher than those of non-watershed area. The total human labour employment generated in watershed area (7460.60 man days) was also found to be higher (72.7l""o) than that of nonwatershed area (4319.72 man days). The investment in watershed deveopment proved to be economically viable with the favourable net present worth (Rs. 13,03,439), benefit cost ratio (3.03), internal rate of return |84""o) and pay back period (2 years) for the watershed area as a whole,"ennullECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF NATIONAL WATERSHED DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME FOR RAINFED AREA IN BIDAR DISTRICTThesis